Taking a stroll through my spam folder, I saw a bunch of legitimate messages from people and companies with their own domains, that are not publishing DMARC and SPF records. Surely everyone (and by everyone I mean Google) is rejecting their mail? How do they not realize this?
Then I noticed that one of them was received *from* gmail, so their mail probably works fine so long as they only mail gmail users. But another was via Yahoo, so that doesn't track. https://jwz.org/b/ykk8
Trump, Musk Shred Constitutional Protections as Country Lurches Toward Mafia State.
"William Boot": WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nearly two months after a historically unprecedented coup by junta forces loyal to South African oligarch Elon Musk, the United... https://jwz.org/b/ykk2
After being held for "25 hours without sleep," Gibbs was finally released. "Although not being something I'd want to replicate, it was actually an educational experience," Gibbs concluded. "I'm kind of proud of myself for... https://jwz.org/b/ykky
@evan@dnalounge We host meetups like that pretty regularly. Email me with details (date range, hours, guess at attendance) and we'll see what we can work out...
@evan@dnalounge It was just a joke about how you're taking something decentralized and recentralizing it. That aside, I wouldn't mind hosting such a thing, but probably wouldn't attend because I hate meetings.
Now I'm not making any predictions here, but I will note that the last time a US President tried to cut the CIA's budget by 20%, his head exploded in Dallas. CIA Begins Firing Recently Hired Officers: Senator Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat on... https://jwz.org/b/ykj3
Dan Sinker: Think we've forgotten about the time that Elon was booed so badly by fans of Dave Chapelle (of all people) that he locked himself in his office and Twitter employees considered calling the cops to do a wellness check.... https://jwz.org/b/ykjz
@david_chisnall And this problem only exists because Signal chose the business model of being a growth-at-all-costs social network running in a closed data silo, no different from Facebook, instead of being a protocol and set of applications capable of meaningful federation. I am constantly [ Nathan Fillion Face ] at people's seemingly-intentional blindness to this. https://jwz.org/b/yjnA
@dermoth@david_chisnall Everyone saying "but federation is hard" or "but people like app stores" is making the argument to just stay on Facebook forever and Never Try, and it is baffling to hear people making that argument on Mastodon.