I don't want to advocate for a foreign invasion of the US, but if we were to happen to leave the door to Canada unlocked one night and they snuck in and annexed us, I feel like I could live with that.
I boosted this story already, but a couple comments.
- It seems to have happened on January 25th, which was only five days after the new administration came in. This makes it hard to say whether this indicates a formal change in policy, an informal "taking off of the gloves", or a one-off mishap.
- A big question is why, if the agent was suspicious, this person was taken into custody and not simply refused entry.
- Borders are scary liminal spaces, legally speaking.
Today I've been told that I shouldn't - Post about politics - Post about things that aren't politics - Post photos of things that either are or aren't related to politics - Tell jokes
Captured with a DSLR and 24mm shifting lens (vertically shifted just a bit) on a hot day in the Mojave desert.
This is a simple composition, characteristic of the early 20th century Precisionist school. There's little in the frame that isn't essential. The pylons, wires, and tracks all converge at a vanishing point at the edge of the frame, suggesting, but not showing, a more expansive network of wires, tracks, and, for better or worse, human dominance over nature.
Telegraph poles like these, with multiple "code lines", were once a common feature along American railroads. They are distinguishable from ordinary power or telephone lines by their multitude of cables, often occupying several crossarms. They typically carried a power bus plus individual lines for the signals along the route, with more efficient encodings used as technology improved.
They've been mostly supplanted by more modern SCADA systems that don't require so many individual wires.
@GottaLaff Every time her name comes up I'm reminded of my mild irritation that the crime that got her locked up was defrauding investors, rather than doing bogus medical tests.
Scientist, safecracker, etc. McDevitt Professor of Computer Science and Law at Georgetown. Formerly UPenn, Bell Labs. So-called expert on election security and stuff. https://twitter.com/mattblaze on the Twitter. Slow photographer. Radio nerd. Blogs occasionally at https://www.mattblaze.org/blog . I probably won't see your DM; use something else. He/Him. Uses this wrong.