@dalias@mhoye there are other models available. I like these DIY boxes because I can choose the quality of cells I use instead of just getting whatever noname stuff in a fully packaged product. And I can replace them in a few years when they wear out.
@mhoye cheap mini UPS. I have a couple of these on AliExpress: US $12.56 | DC UPS 5V 9V 12V Output 6x 18650 Battery Uninterrupted Power Supply DIY Power Bank Box for House Router Cellphone Tablet Modem https://a.aliexpress.com/_EQdTrvA
@Jon_Kramer@kgMadee2@tofugolem The Earth receives about 173000TW of power from the Sun, so every hour is 173000TWh of energy. You have to allocate some of that to atmospheric absorption/weather etc., and leave some aside for mechanical/industrial needs, but you can eventually carve out a number devoted to sustaining plant and animal life. Including all the animals + plants we're familiar with today, the peak figure for humans is in the range of 40 billion.
@Jon_Kramer@kgMadee2@tofugolem At a basic level, food is chemical energy, and the ultimate source of that energy is sunlight, captured by photosynthesizing plants. The plants are either eaten directly by us or by other animals that we then eat.
As such, given the total amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun, it's possible to calculate the peak amount of people+animals the Earth can support. I haven't personally done this calculation, but I've seen rough estimates.
@msw sorry, but "taking without giving back" is a fundamental difference between Free Software and open source software, and yes, there *is* something wrong with that. Hell, even in that ticket, proper copyright attribution was only an afterthought.
Asymmetric benefits -> parasitic leeches. The term "Open source" was created by cynical for-profit corporations to sabotage Free software.
#BoltDB is a Go rewrite of #LMDB (mostly; it has a lot more limitations). Since 2021 it's had a backdoor that gave remote command access to machines running it.
All of this is inconceivable for LMDB, since it has no other dependencies. Also, the thought of an embedded DB engine having access to any networking APIs at all is just mindboggling.
The Go build system, and its automatic pulling of dependencies from github, is ludicrous.
@jhamby@dalias I've always wondered about the latter too. Go after the guys who are actually destroying the planet and making life untenable.
As for oracles, it's always seemed to me that there is no reliable, unforgeable way to get realworld info into the blockchain. Every data feed can be forged, and LLMs do nothing to fix that.