Money quote: “Mr. Musk, who wore a suit and tie to Thursday’s meeting instead of his usual T-shirt after Mr. Trump publicly ribbed him about his sloppy appearance, defended himself by saying that he had three companies with a market cap of tens of billions of dollars, and that his results spoke for themselves.” 💥✨📉
I’m one of those #Boomers who has been in tech for over 40 years. My kids always assumed that my generation wasn’t supposed to understand tech, and one of them complained that it wasn’t fair that their dad and I knew more than they did.
I said, “Honey, who do you think BUILT the Internet?”
1. Authenticated SO. MANY. TIMES. 2. Proved that I was eligible for employment. 3. Fought with my new laptop nigh unto death, until I turned off all the text predictions and spelling “corrections.” 4. Read all 66 emails that were waiting for me in my new email account. 5. Attended 3 meetings.
Not that you asked for this, @gattaca, but I figured I’d start off on the right foot.
I’m now at the point where I hate most UIs and would rather use natural language to ask for things. The problem is, I can’t trust the results, because #AI.
I'm delighted to announce that as of February 26, I will be joining @1password as their Senior Research Initiatives Director, reporting to the incomparable @gattaca. As I get ready to contribute whatever I can to their great mission, I want to thank all of you who have been so supportive during this period of transition; it means the world to me, and I won't forget it.
I also won't be forgetting those who are still caught up in the appalling layoffs that are still going on all over the industry. I got lucky, but there's still more work to do for our community. Please join me in reaching out to your connections to check on them, just as you have for me. In the end, all we have is one another.
Recovering industry analyst, research director & CISO. Senior Fellow at @AtlanticCouncil @CyberStatecraft. Single, childful cat lady.General Content Warnings: snark, bad words, even worse puns, occasional flashes of borrowed insight, plugging of selected $employer events and publications, random brain radio songs, multilingual commentary Note: Sufficiently advanced shitposting is indistinguishable from thought leadership. — @jwgoerlich