The EU sacked its crusading grandstanding duo of Margrethe Vestager and Thierry Breton *before* the U.S. election, so it’s not entirely or even mostly about Trump. They’re just coming to their senses that a radical DMA interpretation isn’t going to change these companies, it would just turn the EU into more of a technological backwater than it already is.
@mcelhearn Which is it then? People don't know what "beta" means or people don't realize Apple Intelligence is "beta" because Apple's heavy advertising campaign footnotes that?
To me it's the latter. I think "beta" is part of modern vernacular. It might even better understood by more people today than calling something a "work in progress”.
It'd be nice if Apple Intelligence were smart enough to warn that this is a scam. Pretty obvious that USPS isn't going to send messages from a non-US phone number.
@caseyliss@rileytestut Why would Apple not reject vMac for all of these cited reasons? Force the EC to rule, in writing, that the DMA means Apple is not allowed to protect its trademarked named, trademarked logos, and the MacOS license agreement.
@Jann@caseyliss@rileytestut Comparing the rejection of an app from notarization to murder seems a bit strong. If the EC disagrees they’ll overrule and fine Apple as they deem appropriate. Or perhaps they’ll remove Apple’s notarization step from the process entirely. Let’s see. But it’s certainly Apple’s right to object and stand up for what they believe.
@rileytestut@Jann@caseyliss Riley that's not true at all. I wouldn't call it a "right" but everyone, from individuals to the decision makers at large multinational corporations, has free will. If you're found to violate the law, you suffer the consequences. But it's a choice.
@viticci I’m curious to hear which ways you feel your iOS devices can be used “like real computers”, or is that only in reference to setting more default apps?
One of the most American sentiments is this: Live and let live.
Stay out of others’ personal lives.
That’s what’s fueling this “MAGA Republicans are weirdos” vibe. It’s not just fucking weird but *wrong* that they are so concerned with how others, including every woman, chooses to live their own lives.
It rubs most Americans wrong. It’s not a liberal/conservative thing. It’s an American thing.
I think it’s a human thing too — and America should exemplify that aspect of humanity.
@ianb That's Apple’s entire point. They don't know. It's uncertain by design. EC proponents keep telling me it's a feature, not a bug, that unlike a rule-of-law nation like the US, it's the spirit, not letter, of the law that matters in the EU. So how is Apple supposed to glean the spirit of the DMA while under repeated threats of massive fines and even — laughably, admittedly — being “broken up”?
@ianb@dave I couldn’t disagree more. Apple is quite obviously taking the DMA very seriously — existential threat seriously. Their end goal is simple: to comply with the law while providing what they consider the best experience possible under the law for EU users while protecting their own business interests.
@mmasnick@jaytorres Haidt's arguments resonate because they ring very truthy. But truthiness isn't evidence. I'd say the same was true of previous "think of the kids!" scares, too. It makes some intuitive sense that playing video games -- especially violent ones -- might make kids violent. But our intuitions often lead us wrong.