@skinnylatte Even these vegans recognize that a dead landlord is just fine.
@skinnylatte Even these vegans recognize that a dead landlord is just fine.
@thomasfuchs @Binder Oh, I remember those days … when so many office products’ design choices factored in things like “hides nicotine stains well”
(Huh. Yep … I suppose the non-smoking workplace thing counts. So now that’s *one* significant improvement to workers’ lives I can think of since Reagan took office.)
@WarnerCrocker Wonderful that this battlefield-proven technology is finally available in the civilian sector.
Tragic that the (American, particularly) civilian sector has such a great need for military-grade wound care.
@thomasfuchs @acb The thing which makes the campaign against “weird” republicans such a magic bullet is: the people who think themselves “weird” mostly already Get It. Weird is not an insult to us.
But to a republican? It’s a call-out of their deepest-rooted insecurity.
*The same insecurity which drives so many of their fascist impulses.*
@GottaLaff @OlDude82 The current Supreme Court is an inflamed carbuncle on the ass of democracy. CREW adds to the chorus of demands for Justice Justice.
AOC presented congress with articles of impeachment against both Alito and Thomas two weeks ago. How did *that* not get any meaningful press coverage?
@silverpill @erlend Indeed:
“A central directory server collects and validates operations, and maintains a transparent log of operations for each DID.”
Ironic for a Decentralized ID to be anchored around “a central directory server,” for sure. Is did:plc actually a “Must” implement for DID 1.0 compatibility?
@RitchieTorres inflation is *good* for the vast majority of your constituents. Because most people are in debt, and inflation makes those debts less burdensome over time.
Killing the working class to prop up the value of Owners’ debt assets is not the right thing to do here.
@thomasfuchs Hmm. That machine was more Woz’s baby. And the quieter Steve probably didn’t hire as many PR firms as his sales dude did.
@thomasfuchs @foone Ugh, only eleven lobs? This is like looking at cave scratchings!
@thomasfuchs @TechConnectify Y’all are making me want to learn to knit here
@thomasfuchs Yeah. That whole “lost your job? Life-long destitution is just a bad day away” employment system is a bitch, huh?
@jens @randomgeek @JessTheUnstill @maddiefuzz Yeah, I don’t have a great memory for human history.
Technological history? I can trace the heck out of those threads.
Charlemagne, wasn’t he supposed to be Tha God or something ?
@randomgeek @JessTheUnstill @maddiefuzz The f…?
I was literally *just* looking up farthings / pence / shillings on Wikipedia because I have only ever used decimal currencies.
And you have put a “Carolingian” joke on my screen, and I actually know what it means now.
@inthehands @prplecake As a self-styled “maker” I 3D print a lot of stuff, and SDXC slots make the whole sneakernet-file-transfer thing easier.
I also regularly burn disk images to SDXC cards to try new software on my various single-board computers.
So that’s at least a couple more uses in addition to the pro photographers’
@inthehands Normalize workers violating “corporate policy” in the name of human kindness
@roadriverrail @LambdaCalculus Yeah, my biases are showing, I think you’re right.
I was halfway down the rabbit hole and moving towards a similar conclusion.
@roadriverrail @LambdaCalculus For some reason my gut is telling me that if I dig deeper into the “why”, I will discover that it was influenced by heavy lobbying from AT&T, back when folks were buying second phone lines just for their modems
@roadriverrail @LambdaCalculus At last! 300 baud is fun for remembering my old BBS days, but not much else
The “industry standard” modules used in digital braille displays are custom piezoelectric devices, costing around $100 per “letter,” making such displays impractically expensive for most applications.
I just learned about this hackaday prize winner, who has designed digital, refreshable #braille modules that cost less than $1 each, using teeny-tiny magnets and 3D printed parts.
#OpenSource #accessibility technologies FTW!
Goblin digital hedge witch, chaotic good alignment. Subgenius & drive-by oracle. Resident of Uranus. Ex- #SFBayArea #DevOps burnoutPersonal digital sovereignty fanatic, #infosec dabbler, tinkerer of things. W0HNO#InvisibleDisability #QueersOfMastodon
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