@sickburnbro@BroDrillard is that a thing? my wife orders jimmy johns and I pick it up on my way home, i just walk in and grab the bag off the little shelf and walk out. we also don't have a lot of niggers here though.
@sickburnbro I like how he jokes about getting 'death threats from nazis' and is so flippant about this as the entire country is celebrating someone very similar to him getting reality checked in the street. (disclaimer: this is not an encouragement of violence, just an observation)
@sickburnbro@DMA profile says "scaling 3PL" so he's doing warehousing, order packing/shipping, shit like that. so it's moderate, mindless labor (being on your feet all day, moving stuff around) but without any satisfaction of accomplishment. jobs like construction and other trades, or manufacturing give you the satisfaction at the end of the day that you made something. with 3rd party logistics, you're basically just putting random shit in boxes for random people. work conditions suck because everything is geared at efficencymaxxing.
i'd guess this is why nons work better in this guy's experience, same reason plantation owners preferred nigger slaves for picking cotton.
@bogmaxx@sickburnbro@doctorsex@DEERBLOOD@shedinja no, they hand it to the engineers and say: go engineer. my whole job is being told 'we sold these guys a machine that is supposed to do this' and then figuring out how to make it happen. I get paid lots of money because I'm good at figuring the shit out.
@BowsacNoodle@thatguyoverthere we had a fantastic nurse after our first kid was born. there was a minor problem that had a chance of being more serious, which of course is fun when you're a new parent, but she made sure we stayed informed of everything, and she pulled some strings so we could stay in our room after my wife was discharged so the kid didn't get moved to the nursery.
but she became a midwife right after that so I assume the system tends to push out a lot of the good ones.
@sickburnbro tv in general, i throw up a little every time my pastor starts out his weekly sermon with a sports analogy or tv show reference, which happens frequently.