Does anyone recognize this device and can tell me what it is? I noticed it because of the blue light. My next door neighbor has mounted it on a fence about 20cm away from the property line (in his back yard). It is about the size of a can of Pam cooking oil spray and is wired with just an Ethernet cable. One close up shot and one how it looks standing by some stairs in my yard. My concern is that it is or has some sort of microphone.
I remember when JPEG was a new thing and people decompressing their GIF files to recompress as JPEG despite the two having very different lossiness patterns.
People are weird about image compression. Codinghorror has several posts about improving image compression but HTML and javascript size optimization is largely ignored. "What if Discourse didn't send two copies of every post on forum page loads? Nah, too complicated."
My interpretation has always been they want both the workers and the easy deportation because that threat makes the workers more vulnerable and easier to abuse.
Quirky one I would have never thought of had I not encountered it: can the electricity stay on while you are out of the room? So you can charge things, eg.
Place I stayed at this year had the key card act as a switch for the power. You came in, put the key card in the slot, and you could turn things (including lights) on. Remove the card, it all shuts down.
Perhaps needless to say, there was no in-room fridge.
I have a 2600 magazine shirt that has the back filled with reproduced press clippings about "advanced persistent teenagers" from well before that phrase was coined.
@rgb It's like Twitter was a giant spearphishing campaign and then it totally hooked the one guy with the pocket change to buy the company and mainline that bait.
@thomasfuchs My system had this card in the 80s. It was definitely one of the lesser used accessories. Three floppy drives? Used all the time. Two printers? Yup, dot matrix one used for draft and the Brother daisy wheel with rs232 controlled used for higher quality output. Speech synthesizer used for games and gimmicks. Extra RAM used as extra RAM always is.
Tape drive used rarely. P-Code card used hardly ever.
He/him of Usenet fame, if Usenet can be said to have fame. Diverse interests that tend away from "new"ness. Non-fiction reader and art appreciator.I probably won't follow back and will freely block accounts that look suspect.Icon is from a "Signs of the Times" art project decorating traffic control boxes in Emeryville, California. Profile banner is my Dr Monocle character, a one-eyed spy using his small size for stealth.