Okay there buddy, slow down with the black pills. We're still here and there's still white kids being born, so all is not lost. We may not live to see the end of the war but it's certainly far from over.
Wasn't it revealed some time ago that the feds literally paid people to infiltrate those protests and instigate them to turn violent in order to give police a reason to forcefully dissolve them?
I had a friend who went to one of these back in the day and at least his account would corroborate that. For the first week or so, he was highly enthusiastic and confident that this might really achieve something, because the vibe was good and everyone was looking out for each other.
A few days later, I remember him growing increasingly irritated because thefts started to increase and people became increasingly more violent. Eventually he became completely disillusioned and got the hell out. The next week, the city declared an unlawful assembly and the cops came to clear them all out.
Well, clearly it wasn't an excuse for him in the eyes of God since he ended up having to pay the ultimate price. All I'm saying is that I think the pope has abused his power much more than that policeman, yet he's still alive.
Not trying to criticize you because we're all sinners and all that, but just because I said what I said earlier doesn't mean I easily wish death on anyone. I don't. I didn't wish death on that policeman, and I wouldn't even wish death on the pope either, it's just that this fuckwit has had soooo many chances already to stand up to Jewish hegemony and government tyranny, and he's passed on every single one of them.
Instead of standing up for the little guy, he continues to pay lip service to Jewish ideologies with massive political lobbies, like LGBT and mass immigration. He keeps making concession after concession to Jewish interests, and continues to let Christian morality and virtue erode year after year.
In short, I don't hate the policeman, because he was just following orders from the Jews. But the pope doesn't HAVE to follow anyone's orders except God's, yet Francis STILL continues to take orders from the Jews instead.
They didn’t even last two weeks before they basically gave up all of their principles. Now they’re complaining that no one elected Elon Musk, but they hired thousands of cronies that no one had elected either. Now they’re concerned about the sanctity of the constitution, or the rule of law, and now they rally around unity instead of diversity. Curious.
I've had good experiences with the Pragmatic Bookshelf's titles, but unfortunately it seems that their main Elixir book hasn't been updated in 7 years:
I haven't been following the scene actively so I don't know how much has changed (I assume the majority of it will still work but new features might have been added since), but Dave Thomas is a great writer. I learned Ruby on Rails from one of his books and it was money.