@LostInCalifornia@Zennagain He's doing even more inconvenient things than JK Rowling. The basis of multiculturalism is the same as trans ideology. If you point out that cultures aren't interchangeable then it's even more obvious that male and female aren't.
@LostInCalifornia@Zennagain I agree that pensions are a ponzi scheme but it's hard to argue that you need a bigger workforce when you ship all your manufacturing to other countries and importing extra workers reduces wages.
By Climate Change, I assume you mean wars and it was sold to europe, by Merkel at least, as a humanitarian thing.
That was all off-topic and uninteresting.
I was talking about the psychology used: we are one world culture is very similar to sexes are interchangeable.
@LostInCalifornia@Zennagain I agree there are material and economic reasons given for immigration and that it supports the pension ponzi scheme to have more suckers at the bottom.
There are material and economic reasons for trans identity. We live in a world where companies go out of their way to employ people who are "diverse" if you're a white straight man there's an economic advantage to identifying as a woman. One way to end this trend is to stop this economic advantage.
@LostInCalifornia@Zennagain Insurance requires payment. I don't know about the Iraq war thing. Trump won't fix social security. Young people are paying for old people and when the old people were young they were paying for the people older than them.
I agree that there needs to be some kind of safety net. There should be a minimum level. Personally, I favor universal healthcare. I just think that the way these things are designed at the moment is a wealth transfer from poor to rich.