@Humpleupagus@charlie_root@ned Most mastering engineers play with the mid side balance. When you're mastering you often don't have access to the stems. You're right though a perfect mix wouldn't need that.
@charlie_root@Humpleupagus@ned mid/side on an individual instrument can be used as an effect but with mastering what you're looking for is optimizing the stereo field. Track I'm mixing right now, I knocked the mid out completely on one track.
@Humpleupagus@charlie_root@ned Phase is really important the lower you go. It doesn't really cause problems most of the time above 500 Hz. That's why so many EDM producers just duck the bass around the kick or at least filter out the lows in the bass (though that's a phase issue in itself). Oscilloscopes are so useful for understanding that. You can just alter the phase of things by putting an allpass at the frequency causing problems.
@Humpleupagus@charlie_root It's a combination of saturation, mid/side manipulation, and a limiter. I't likely got a variable EQ to shape around the limiter and probably a clipper as well. At least that's what it's designed to take the place of. It's just aimed at making mastering loud easy without distortion being too noticeable. If you can clip each track and saturate, eq and limit on the master yourself, you don't need it. I tested it out and it's was pretty good on the tracks I tried.
@charlie_root@Humpleupagus@ned@butterdog Everything has a lifetime. Plugins are addictive. Once you discover that Shaperbox allows you to play sections backwards or skip around, you'll be writing rhythms in shaperbox. It's possible the best value plugin I have.
@charlie_root@Humpleupagus@ned@butterdog Some people use it as an oscilloscope. There's so much in there. It's not just an LFOTool. You can take the most static line and add lots of movement. Anyway, it's late/early I need to sleep. Have fun.
@charlie_root@Humpleupagus@ned@butterdog I dislike lots of knob plugins. Knobs work really well on hardware. Brainworx make good plugins and their choices are normally good. Personally, I've avoid the one stop shop mastering plugins. I think they can be really useful though for people to play with the elements that are normally used when mastering a track in a cut down form. One thing is a lot of mastered tracks go over true peak. There are big debates on whether true peak limiters are good.
@ILoveAmericaNews Over time, many people but still it's only the people involved intimately with the system design and maintenance not the users of the system.
@ILoveAmericaNews I've come across a lot of systems like this. People design trash and expect their code to take the weight, then the code is replaced. Sometimes people design a solid system but then a later person switches off all the safeguards because they cause problems.
@ILoveAmericaNews This was one of Trump's policy positions before RFK Jr. joined his campaign. Trump sees it as a national security issue and an economic benefit to the US. So it's something that they share.
@ILoveAmericaNews I know there are plenty of people making the comparison and you're commenting but when you compare things your mind has to link them. The more they are compared, the stronger the link gets. I'm not sure of the result. It might be to just make Hitler look more normal and approachable, like Trump. It probably rubs both ways.