@sun Similar event in Beijing around 2009 led to needing to show ID to buy a common cleaver.
Notices by dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social), page 2
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Thursday, 23-Jan-2025 04:22:47 JST dobó istván
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 03:43:25 JST dobó istván
@jeffcliff @RustyCrab @JollyR @david @pingviini @sun That’s someone else’s job now. It’s been six years since I dumped FreeBSD and moved all my servers off it.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 03:32:06 JST dobó istván
@pingviini @RustyCrab @JollyR @david @jeffcliff @sun The 2018 one that made a lot of people dump FreeBSD for being one of the early WokeOS types had some bangers.
> Comments that reinforce systemic oppression related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 03:26:25 JST dobó istván
@jeffcliff @RustyCrab @JollyR @david @pingviini @sun Got FreeBSD on there?
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 01:43:05 JST dobó istván
@JollyR @RustyCrab @david @pingviini @sun Especially because most of the ones forcing COCs into projects have NO HISTORY OF CODE CONTRIBUTION.
When your only Git push is the fucking code of conduct and some passive aggressive leftist language in the readme, no one should be taking you seriously or even merging your dumb shit.
Yet somehow they all do.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 06:03:55 JST dobó istván
@r000t I know so many people in blue states and blue industries, quiet non-voting moderates who were tired of being screamed at by such absolute assholes about how they had to vote, who did register and voted for Trump just to secretly say “fuck off.”
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 05:31:10 JST dobó istván
@Flick @graf He’s starting with some shit that matters at least.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Saturday, 18-Jan-2025 10:46:03 JST dobó istván
@ILoveAmericaNews @eriner I hate these people so much. They’ve completely ruined what was probably the best social media network for people doing craftwork.
This was nothing but sharing info on smithing techniques, teaching how to forge flowers out of silver, gem cutting tips, knitting repair howtos, embroidery advice…
Now it’s 99.8% distillate of retardation.
Total Toknigger Death. ☠️
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 16:37:22 JST dobó istván
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 16:35:12 JST dobó istván
@dcc @Hoss Won’t you fight the frogs?
Damn man, there used to be so much good content out there. It was a different time.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 16:31:18 JST dobó istván
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 10:05:13 JST dobó istván
American xhs colonist “Ashlee” asks “Chinese people what are your opinions on black people??”
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 05:14:06 JST dobó istván
@fuknukl Perverted but not the way you like it.
They are shitting it up with gay posts and tranny cosplayers.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 05:12:54 JST dobó istván
She’s right.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Jan-2025 12:35:22 JST dobó istván
>> smearing shit around their asshole
This guy doesn’t even know how to use the three seashells!
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Jan-2025 07:26:43 JST dobó istván
@Jonny @p @nyanide @mk @skylar @Xenophon @catmanmancat @LordOfTheKangs @WhitestTemplar @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis This is how we know Johnny is a Serb and not a Croat.
He wants to fuck your mother, not fuck your father.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Jan-2025 07:24:17 JST dobó istván
@p @nyanide @catmanmancat @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis
> Plus a lot of it will live on in search engines, scrapers, and government evidence lockers.
We have very different ideas about the future of the state and technology.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 15:02:11 JST dobó istván
@p @freemayonnaise @nyanide @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis You can read Chaucer. Just read it out loud and use your ear. It’s the closest dialect of Middle English to modern English. It’s just spelled the way they pronounced it.
Now Sir Gawain & the Green Knight on the other hand might fuck you because they were still using all old school Anglo-Saxon adjectives on that side of the island. You don’t know those words.
Chaucer read out loud sounds closer to English than the average Indian call center.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 14:51:53 JST dobó istván
@p @nyanide @catmanmancat @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis That’s the Sonichu comics.
None of this is going to survive. It’s digital. It’s going to bitrot to death and backups will be lost.
Imagine discovering physical Sonichu comics in AD 4200 without the context of the CWCki.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 07:51:07 JST dobó istván
@p That looks like OOP cancer.
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