Watching cheesy fantasy movies with a few goats. Currently on "Krull the Conqueror." Next up is likely to be the gorean movies. Anyone who wants to join us is more than welcome.
That's pretty stupid. Prediction markets work well enough for quantifiable data like market prices or what date someone's going to die on. There's no way they could work for qualitative data like encyclopedia articles.
> The difference is that the ruling class no longer see themselves as members of the country the rule, they consider themselves *global citizens*
That's what happens every time an empire is allowed to form. The rulers stop seeing themselves as members of their nation and start identifying primarily with other rulers as their social group.
Once that happens it's inevitable they'll stop seeing the needs of their people as their purpose and start seeing them as an inconvenience holding them back from greatness or a threat to their power. It happened in Rome, Gaul, Byzantium, France, Britain, you name it.
There definitely are brown envelopes in circulation but the amount of money is surprisingly small. I'm not a rich man by any means but even I could afford to buy a senator.
Their real currency is status. Conferences like Bildeberg and Davos have become a measure of personal importance as well as giving it's attendees a sense of purpose. They ensure that a politician's primary social group aren't his local community, they're a group of globalist functionaries they meet once a year in Switzerland. And their standing in that group depends on how successful they've been in steering their regional franchise towards globalist policy goals.
Popular rebellion against globalism is a source of embarrassment and failure. Compliance is a source of pride. Hence why they crack down so hard on genuine anti-establishment activity. They see it as a bunch of idiot neanderthals dragging them back into the stone age.
They're always "temporary guest workers" at first. Then they're made permanent and the locals are told that they're just as native as families that have been there for centuries. But they're simultaneously a special class that needs more resources than natives so politicians are justified in buying their vote.
Every empire in history has ended up with it's ruling class inviting in foreigners to set up camp and using them to play ethnic chess against the natives. It's a dominant strategy for rulers, even if it ultimately kills their civilisation. They end up so focussed on playing the game that they forget the goal.
Also I left it running one night and somehow it ran out of catnip, which killed off a couple of the farmers and resulted in a malthusian trap where the population kept expanding and starving off. Over 500 kitties died before I woke up and fixed it, which gave me two achievements.
If it's anything like cookie clicker or clicker heroes you eventually hit a wall and you have to replay from the beginning to progress past it, but the more times you reset the faster you can progress past the early game.
By the time you put in all the green-shit, disabled access for the wheelchair you don't have and pay off all the box checkers it'll cost ten times that.
But where does the aether come from? Or the big bang?
Best physical explanation I've heard of for the big bang was the idea that it's two higher dimensional universes colliding, but that doesn't explain where they came from.
Eventually either we end up with a creator or an "it's elephants all the way down" kind of situation.
The only white parts are influence from zoroastrianism and neoplatonism, but if those are the good bits that we need to separate why not go direct to those?
Most modern Persians are not white, although I gather it depends which part of the country you go to.
Zoroastrianism is absolutely a remainent of white religious culture though. Same for Hinduism and the Kalash religion. They should be studied to help us understand our ancestors and their beliefs.