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This also relates to women's excessive faux empathy being tied entirely to their concern with how others view them 😏 it's not that they genuinely care whether or not they're racist for instance, they're entirely concerned about if OTHERS view them as racist and the social discredit that entails. When it comes to relationships with men, most of the time except for a few outliers, they don't truly love a man for who he is or particularly care about his frustrations or pains or whatever makes him happy, she only cares about the status he brings and what he can do for her to fill her bottomless wanton void
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Well, the possibility that the material world is the creation of a lesser being would explain the presence of imperfection, like evil and suffering.
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@Eiregoat @Angel1313 @Dagnar @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Bunsen @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @freddie_the_fed Gnosticism REEEEEEEEEEEEE
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Which hindu sect is that?
The only one I'm in any way familiar with is Vaishnavism (Sanatana Dharma). They believe that the material world is an imperfect reality created by souls that separated themselves from god.
We're stuck here until we realise it's fake and choose to go back, god's just waiting patiently and occasionally sending us avatars to remind us what's up.
It's a belief that crops up repeatedly in European religions. Gnosticism is very similar.
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In Christianity they say "I am not of this world, I am a spiritual being having a human experience" 😏 I say yes and no. We are definitely "of this world" because it's produced us. They always seem to wanna remain separate from everything they're in fact one with. God is separate, they're separate from the world, isolated atomized individual little souls. I don't think that's the case at all. I think it's more of a simulation/dream sort of scenario that's tied to a God head. Where everything is one with it. Good bad everything, it doesn't matter. It's impossible for there to be nothing because there would have to also be something for that nothing to exist. So it's an experience of "life" to keep the mind of the God head busy and entertained as it were.
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Most modern Persians are not white, although I gather it depends which part of the country you go to.
Zoroastrianism is absolutely a remainent of white religious culture though. Same for Hinduism and the Kalash religion. They should be studied to help us understand our ancestors and their beliefs.
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Hinduism in a lot of ways is like what I believe in except I don't do the blue weirdo God's thing 😏 I just believe God is playing all of us and all the other living shit in order for God to experience life and the ability to do shit instead of just being some omnipresent ethereal consciousness that just hangs out. Maybe it sleeps once in awhile after an apocalyptic cataclysm and starts over with this life shit completely unaware of itself or it's origins with no memory like how it is when you're born and life just manifests in an endless cycle of kalpas
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@Bunsen @Eiregoat @Angel1313 @Dagnar @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @freddie_the_fed Zoroastrianism is an old Aryan religion (Not a Skyfather (What we'd call Pagan) one though), mainly in Persia IIRC, It's where Dualism comes from with Zoroaster and Angra-Mainyuu/Ahriman (that's Fate's version of him there), being the 2 dualistic gods, one of the funnier bits is there's a bit in there about Alexander burning their big goat hide Holy Book when he took the place over, so they deem him Alexander the Cursed lol. I'm not the most knowledgeable on it, and Neo-Platonism I don't know at all.
EDIT: So Wikipedia tells me it split off what essentially is the Vedic faith, If you don't know that's pre jeet-bastarization Hinduism.
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Guys .. don't get too enamored of "Aryan". They were a group of Proto-Europeans that migrated south from Central Asia and became absorbed into India. Any connection they had to Europeans is long, long gone.
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What part of it's origins are white?
The only white parts are influence from zoroastrianism and neoplatonism, but if those are the good bits that we need to separate why not go direct to those?
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@Eiregoat @Angel1313 @Dagnar @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @freddie_the_fed It's some food for thought, to be sure.
TBH, I've never heard of zoroastrianism and neoplatonism before you brought it up.
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Angel1313 @Dagnar @Eiregoat @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @freddie_the_fed Here's the catch, though: you need an established standard of right and wrong. "Anything goes," mentality sets a society up for disaster.
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That's true, however I think White people have that naturally in most cases. There's African countries that are majority Christian and it doesn't stop them from doing the horrific and superstitious shit they do 😏 it helps to have a code of ethics but I don't think we need to blow smoke up asses with obviously fantastical shit to get the point across either. Eugenics seems to help a society evolve in the preferable direction. Sure, a lot of people are unremarkable and dumb and need guidance, I'm just not sure the prolonged adolescence approach with an adult Santa Clause character is the way to go.
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Angel1313 @Dagnar @Eiregoat @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @freddie_the_fed Well, Christianity is a religion of White origin.
Ultimately, I would like to see Christianity completely reformed - free from judaism.
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Christians think the universe revolves around them 😏
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@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @Dagnar @Angel1313 @Eiregoat @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @freddie_the_fed Many religious groups feel that way.
As a reformed Protestant, I find modern Christians embarrassing.
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I think humanity should probably evolve past the need for religion and find something else to make their lives meaningful instead of bat shit fantastical shit from primitive times. Need an upgrade of sorts to go along with all of our impressive scientific discoveries and come up with a more plausible synopsis 😏
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@Dagnar @Angel1313 @Eiregoat @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @freddie_the_fed I remember talking to my fellow Armanist fren about this, Even Christians despite the bible typically believe pets and the like have souls and go to heaven with them.
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Most Christians I've met say animals have no souls and simply cease to exist on death.
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"Animism" tends to be an element of religions rather than an all encompassing philosophy.
For example, shinto is animist but still has a clear creation story.
Same goes for all known native-european religions.
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There's another aspect of Abrahamic religion I don't like: the separation of God from nature, and thus Man from nature. There were attempts to bridge that gap in the 1960s, but they were seen as fringe hippie shit.
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It's a problem Christianity must face: that the roots of it are hebraic. Some will argue and scream, or rationalize, or dissemble, or claim hebrews are Whites and these modern jews are not real hebrews, etc. I've heard it all. The point stands, that judyism gave the world both Christianity and Islam, and if we as a Folk are to survive, that link must be severed, and it will only be severed by the consensus pf the faithful to do so. Both religions must evolve to some degree.
There. I said it. Now we'll have a religious hellthread and I'll get attacked.
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@Dagnar @Angel1313 @RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @freddie_the_fed My belief is the NSDAP were wanting essentially Pagan monotheism, Gottgläubig as they dubbed it, with "Positive Christianity" as a stop gap for it, With a fair bit of Armanist and wider Volkish influence in that, Armanism doesn't believe in a creator deity but it wouldn't be to say there is one from there.
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The old school Christians have been partly to blame in their belief that they are God's chosen people. It is only coming to light, en masse about how much actual evil the have done and continue to do. Which is why we are having antisemitism thrown into any and all criticism of them. It has worked for so long that they use it as a get off scott free card. We have to take their ability to shame us and penalize us away.
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Like I have mentioned, there are less than 16 million rodents in the world. They have been allowed too much power.
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I wanna know how 😏 and why? There couldn't have been that many traitors. I know it's been an incremental long game take over that's taken decades, I think it's partly Christians thinking jews are the chosen ones and partly their having gained a lot of black mail on top of assassinations and threats of assassinations. Trickery in the financial sector. They've all worked together like some organism like a toxic slime that's smothered everything
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They must constantly feel that new relationship buzz, once that buzz wears off and they get complacent and bored, they tend to wander in search of the new relationship buzz where everything is new and exciting again 😏 I think most women are like that, including my woman because she pulled that shit before. I think she realized she's hit the wall and she's not finding anything better or more comfortable than me. The old her would have bailed while I was facing a year or more in jail but she stuck around. I think she's finally ready to settle down
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I honestly think that's part of the shopping consumerism shit the jews pumped us with. How many marriages held firm throughout the ages? Suddenly it's "let's geta divorce in 5 years and start something new!"
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As a child, I got suckered into that hard, very hard. I was romantic because the girls would spout it, I was poetic because the girls cooed over it. It took me many years to finally get it through my head that no, women really only feel those things for new shoes and they actually are the most cruel things imaginable.