@delta@kinetix 99.9% of user's family/friends will not want to create a new account and learn/use another piece of software, at least not to get started. You can repeat the "Sent with Hotmail" viral process. Sounds like you should grease 2 transitions, to chatserver account, and to DeltaChat client. And you should support them in any order, as well as never doing either. (You can ignore me, I'm not even a real user at the moment....)
@mekkaokereke I read the whole thread before my first response. Saying "rhetorical device designed to curry favor with people that hate you" is wrong. Whose favor would Bernie's comment currying? The first line would curry favor with Musk fans, then the rest would make them angry. Did you mean "curry favor for 3 seconds before currying anger"? https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/028/720/t3qkhrohrh321.jpg
@alcinnz "Even within a book, you have to be able to discard large segments that don't have merit. The Phoenix Project is a good example: Gene Kim has written a whole book about organizational transformation, but he only put one bad actor into the whole book then made everyone else super competent and earnest. That's not what big companies are like, so you need to have enough of your brain switched on to get the good ideas then realize the rest of it is cringe-worthy leadership fanfic." ouch
@akkartik@clarity Am I missing a good environment for real-time remote code-pairing? I guess most pairing guides stress taking turns, with 2nd person not touching anything, so pushing a PR and switching who shares kinda gets there...?
@akkartik@clarity yeah, I feel like the hardware is just a big distraction. Though I could be wrong. Real-time rich collaboration, whether sitting-beside or remote, seems like a bigger lever.
ToolsForThought junkie, BootStrapped StartUps FTW. Creator of #FluxGarden https://flux.garden The Simplest Backlink-y #DigitalGarden app to host both your public and private sense-making.