@gimulnautti@crazyeddie@zleap@davetroy The dumb lack of imagination is very real, which is why the broligarchs waking them up from their stupor are doing us a favour. But tax euros are few, overstretched and not collected by the EU, but by member states. What "Europe" can & should do ASAP is fix the fragmentation that makes leveraging private money for innovative projects so much harder. They've at least started on the 28th jurisdiction for startups, Capital Markets Union next (inchallah...)
@nemobis@neil I would expect French to be the original in EU law and all these other versions translations, but I don't know if it's not just displayed like this because I clicked via the Court's French language Mastodon account.
@CorioPsicologia@ifrit Le Grand Continent: "La revista tuvo acceso y estudió los documentos elaborados por los servicios rumanos, que sirvieron en particular para fundamentar la decisión del Tribunal Supremo del 4 de diciembre de anular las elecciones. Revelan una operación de una envergadura sin precedentes llevada a cabo por Rusia para apoyar a un candidato de extrema derecha próximo a Putin, socavando la infraestructura democrática..."
@fi@aral In your own country, yes. There are several languages in which you cannot sing a particular kind of song in Germany, German first among them. According to the article, their rules are: you can sing in ANY language as long as there's an interpreter present. First I've heard of it, but hey, it's Germany, they have their own hate speech laws. You can agree or disagree with them, but they're not about you or your language.
@badlogic I'll do my best to somehow not spend any money on groceries when I change trains in Salzburg next month, will stock up in (politically-impeccable) Italy and just have breakfast. 😄 Good to see Austrians joining Romanians, Bulgarians, Salvini, Selmayr and half of Europe basically in being mad at Austrian politicians treating their voters like dummies.
(Best thread I've read on Mastodon so far, btw. 👏)