@molly0xfff@catsalad Thankfully, the wikimedia foundation is funded for years to come. The edit wars I just saw flashing before my eyes are a whole other beast, though.
Same person: “If you lose your job to automation, that’s your problem. Shouldn’t have been a cashier!” Fucking hell, we need to teach empathy, (economic) class awareness, solidarity, and that trickledown economics are a scam in school…
Sometimes I struggle with believing people can be intelligent. $coworker: “If you want to abolish billionaires, nobody would want to work anymore, because they couldn’t get rich off of their own hard work!” My dude, *nobody* can become a billionaire without inheritance, *and* walking over bodies.
@kuketzblog Ich würde mit weniger Sorgen um Trump als um Vance machen. Der ist nämlich gesünder und intelligenter als Trump und in der Tasche der techno-faschistischen VCs rund um die Paypal-Mafia.
@WarnerCrocker@blogdiva He pulled his support after learning Erik Ahrens is involved, but didn’t see a problem with an organization owned by Emil Kierkegaard? Kinda sus
The good thing about more and more PISS* generated code is, that it replicates known vulnerabilities, so my bug hunting friends won’t be homeless over night
@AnarchoNinaWrites One of my least favorite arguments I have on a regular basis goes like this:
Me: Everyone who supports the AfD is a fascist Them: Nooo! Most of their voters are just protest voters! Me: Do we agree that everyone who voted for, or joined the NSDAP was Nazi? Them: Uhm… yes? Me: How’s that different from the AfD?
After that it’s usually a couple more attempts to ignore or downplay the 16-19% Nazis in Germany until they either accept reality, or call me a red fascist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@GossiTheDog@briankrebs Does Broadcom just want to kill VMware, and squeeze as much money out of their customers as possible in the process? At these prices nobody is going to become a new customer, and everyone who can will migrate. The remaining ones are basically hostages.
@AnarchoNinaWrites It’s sooooo frustrating that _everyone_ thinks you’re crazy for pointing out when something is fascist propaganda/tropes/etc, and you then spend the next few hours breaking it down, and explaining it over family dinner or whatever, and it completely kills the mood but it has to be done.