@ljohn44@StillIRise1963 what a privileged position! I’m a disabled person who can’t go to the doctor safely anymore because of genocide Joe. I’m not a red hat, I’m not going to vote against my own survival. That would be ridiculous.
@mekkaokereke no this is wrong, it doesn’t affect my life directly at this moment, but the more men like that are allowed to victimize people without proper consequences the more men will victimize people because they know they won’t have consequences.
@jeffowski and I really don’t understand the ageism when it comes to hiring women. At 50 years old we aren’t going to need maternity leave, our kids are likely grown so we aren’t going to need to stay home if they have to stay home from school, pretty soon we won’t even have periods anymore that will disrupt our workday. What is the problem with hiring 50 year old women?
@zens@AnarchoNinaWrites when reading social media posts about this subject I always assume it’s the US, half the time it’s the UK you guys are talking about, it seems both countries suck in the same way these days. Except y’all have national healthcare that seems broken & we still have to pay out of pocket for our broken healthcare system.
@grayface_ghost Like Biden telling people he gave them time to “plan” for the reduced SNAP benefits. Bruh I am disabled on fixed income and groceries are 20-50% more than they used to be. How do I “plan” for that?!
@drahardja even the tiny stimulus checks we received in the US over the past couple years changed my life. I was able to pay off all my credit cards with the first one, bumping up my credit score enough that I could replace my old car before it died, I got a fantastic interest rate so I was able to pay that off in two years.
It was amazing how it worked out, my old car had 190,000 miles, I knew it wouldn’t last much longer, it died a week after I sold it. We don’t have public transportation here, I would die without a vehicle. Literally die.
$600 (or was the 1st one $1200?) literally saved my life.
@AnthonyJK I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life but that’s an outrageous amount to pay monthly for a phone. Outrageous. Especially when disabled people can get free service through the lifeline phone program. I pay $35 to use my iPhone unlimited talk and text and either 10 g data Or unlimited that slows after 10 idk I never use it all regardless. $35.
@goatsarah@jerry wait, is this something I have to do? Approve followers? This makes me feel dumb, which is not at all your fault lol I’m going to investigate this right now. Thank you!
@DrPsyBuffy to be fair, the endless posts about alt text I have gotten into the habit of adding alt text. So at least there’s that. Are used to add it most of the time on Twitter, but if I forgot I couldn’t go back and edit. And here I can.
@dianor this is such a good podcast, that episode made me feel more grounded. I wasn’t imagining things.
This one was kick ass too. They talk about how mask mandates serve as messaging to those people who think if “it was actually a problem the government would do something”.
There’s also a good bit about Boston schools that had excellent ventilation & how some kept masks and some didn’t and the data showed masks made a difference.