This is the absolute truth of the matter and its flatly more embarrassing to have some Leftist with a glint in their eye about 'Maybe we can get them (Fash) to...' before trailing off as they see everyone looking at them like a pants-on-head fool.
Like, I toss a lot of shit at Liberals but its to hopefully shake some off of putting up with their own Theory of Politics that has a lot of straining things no one should have to put up with even if they aren't very active with their Theory of Politics. It's not a 'Don't you want better?' but more of a 'Why hold onto something doing you dirty and putting you in bad no-win positions and for what?'
Regardless, the golden rule is that putting on a bib and licking your chops at fresh meat that might be a comrade at some point down the road is offputting to everyone, and more offputting with specific types, but for some other strained 'Enemy of my Enemy' shit.