@icedquinn@Amikke Every attempt to develop a phonetic alphabet for English will ultimately fail as the oft-lamented uncoupling of sound to meaning that those alphabets try to "fix" is what allows English to be interoperable between accents, dialects, and nations. Even if you were somehow able to convince English speakers to adopt one, the situation wouldn't be much better with the various splits and mergers resulting in a handful of different spellings for every word depending on the person, place, or time of day. It's an unsolvable problem for any language of scale.
I had a strange dream. I was in a sparsely furnished room taking part in a beer drinking event with a fictional group of people who were all friends with one another (including the owner who made it a habit to gather the group at that location). They looked like they were animated in an amateur art style that was diegetic to the dream. They were of various shapes, some even being anthropomorphic animals and one wolf that I found fetching (ironically, both exceedingly rare for me to dream about). Later in the dream I had come to learn from one of them that they went through a style change some time before. The old style was very simple with each person being a smiley of different expressions. I had a vision of them like a clip show of their past antics which were crass and crude.
At some point, everyone had to leave for the final time. Someone forgot something important inside, but there was only a couple minutes left before something bad would happen, so I went in to retrieve it quickly (it was some form of long plastic case, like an instrument case but still rectangular shaped).
It turns out the location was on a massive spaceship the size of a city, and it was deserted. The aforementioned bad thing was it taking off or exploding (I wasn't quite sure). I grabbed the case and escaped in time.
There was a break in the dream after which the friend group wasn't a part of it anymore, but the ship was still there. I was walking around an industrial area with the ship looming in the background. There was a sense of urgency in the air which I couldn't place. The air started to heat up, and sprinklers started to come on to cool the tanks, pipes, and machinery of the surrounding buildings. I started to run; I realized that the ship was the source of the heat. I took shelter under some pipework that had lots of water running over it to keep me cool when a giant robot came to save me. The robot was sort of like an old Transformers but had the size and function of the mechs from Titanfall 2. The robot informed me that I had to be the one to find the solution to the giant ship.
The dream is a bit hazy from that point, but I remember entering the ship, running across the same room from the last part, seeing the giant, empty, 3D lattice work of the ships interior, going in an elevator, getting saved from the heat wave by the robot again inside that elevator, reaching the top of the ship and looking out over the land from miles up, and setting into motion for the ship to take off or self destruct (again, I wasn't sure).
@icedquinn@nyoom@dushman@lanodan@mischievoustomato@a1ba OpenZFS uses DKMS, so you don't need to compile your own kernel, but you do need to keep an eye out when updating to make sure the kernel you're using is compatible with your ZFS package (really only a problem with bleeding edge distros).
@icedquinn You could add things like heat and pressure to your space, so a concoction under normal circumstances is inert, but if you hit it with a hammer it generates a ton of energy.
@icedquinn That's sort of like but not really Potion Craft. Ingredients move the potion around a 2D space where there are specific points corresponding to potion effects. To differentiate different ingredients, they're each given their own parametric equation where the parameter is controlled by how much you crush and mix the ingredient.
@RustyCrab I've seen 2.5" drives that had micro 3 / USB-C ports and thumb drives pushing a terabyte, but I don't think I've seen a thumb drive with a volatile cache. It'd have to have a battery big enough to flush the whole thing seeing as how common it is for people to rip them out as soon as possible. Someone probably makes a USB to NVMe enclosure, though I'd be skeptical of its performance.
Has anyone found a compelling use for C++ coroutines? I check every couple of months and every time it always seems like coroutines require huge supporting libraries or are trivially replaceable with a lambda just for a slightly different syntax. It feels like they're going to be the new exceptions.
It's funny how a video game writer will set up all this tension for a quest line, but right at the climax where you infiltrate a heavily defended complex full of autonomous defenses to rescue a side character's abducted nephew, the player will dump all of it in the trash spending 10 minutes disarming the 50 mines placed there because they're worth a dozen levels of XP.
After trying VR on Linux again after several months I can report that VR gaming on Linux has somehow gotten worse. Whereas performance used to be much worse than running native Windows and the experience being worse than running VR on Windows 7, now you can't even launch vr games on Linux; the closest you can get is trying to start the executable with wine, but that won't let the game talk to SteamVR, so it's pointless.
@arcanicanis SteamVR isn't (or wasn't, it doesn't even want to start now after I fiddled with the betas and proton versions; not even after returning to a know working combination) the problem. I could start up SteamVR, get video to my Index, see my lighthouses, see my controllers, have tracking; the whole shebang, but as soon as I try to launch a VR game nothing happens. The game shows up green, so Steam thinks it's running, but the process never starts.
@Moon@critical Did it POST? My system takes several minutes to POST after starting from a cold boot; I'm pretty sure it's the GPU as the debug light stays on "video" for most of the time.
@Inginsub@PurpCat@RustyCrab@vicious@swurl There’s a central server, the BGS, that collects content from instances, PDS, and passes it along to other servers to curate for those instances. Theoretically, you could host your own BGS, but you’d have to convince other people to connect to it. From what I understand, it’s like a mandatory relay.
@mint@PurpCat I find it pretty funny that AI research already thought of this idea to automate adversary to build more powerful AIs (generative adversarial networks). People praising these poisoning techniques as a means to fight AI assume newer AIs will never come out and are unaware that their efforts are creating more robust ones.
@kaia When I was in elementary school, my parents got a letter saying they had an outstanding dept of two pennies. All else being free, it’d still cost the school more in wages for someone to spend the time to open the return letter and retrieve the two cents.