@livs_ord Hoppas @pettter kan hjälpa som med ljudlig person än jag, för min del brukar det räcka med att ratta pulse audio control tills alla lämpliga inputs och outputs sitter ihop.
@cstross I heard from someone who's been involved in national AI strategy work that the highest political pressure here (Sweden) comes from CEO fear of missing out, especially from the biggest corporations. @Uilebheist@ben
As I noted, we're currently deporting gay atheists to Afghanistan because their asylum applications did not have "sufficient cause to be granted asylum".
The bar has been set almost impossibly high by racists, and the discourse is rather about ending the right of seeking asylum altogether.
We can hope (and vote) for improvements, but I don't see that happening on a useful scale in the next few years.
@quinn Unfortunately, the political direction the last decade or so has lead to an extremely harsh asylum environment. If we're sending gay men back to Afghanistan, I would not hold much hope that any Americans would be considered having "credible" claims by the people doing the deportations.
@VeroniqueB99 No picture, but the english version of a sign in a sandwich shop in Beijing was "sanity is very important". We assume they meant "sanitation", but...
@malwaretech I read from @mjg59 that after crowdstrike broke linux clients with their buggy kernel hacks a few months ago, they got an eBPF implementation contributed to be less shit, but I can't seem to find the reference right now. Maybe he could fill in? @gunstick
Sysadmin and caturday enthusiast. Hiker & biker.Work sysadm: NeIC NT1, HPC2NHobby sysadm: ACCI thought running and ftp server (well, OK, technically it is https these days) with its own AS was so much fun as a hobby, I started doing it for work too.Admin for this server.