Still thinking about Mark Klein. I only hung out with him a few times, but he was a great guy. He gave me his book and we chatted a lot. Told me a lot about his union - it was clear being a union man was a lot of what gave him the courage to take on the telco-government-NSA spying complex. We've lost the world that made him, and we're poorer for it.
Marco Rubio's theory is that the First Amendment doesn't apply to green card holders and no one, no one at all, should let that go by unnoticed. That is a rewrite of the most precious part of our constitution.
At this point my AI series is on hold for a few days, partly because my kid is visiting, but mostly because I really need to sit down and tell you that the attack on NOAA means everything.
We need them every damn day. NOAA is the unsung hero not just of America but of the world's food supply. They are key in climate change. They are the agency that stops you from needing FEMA.
@evan we do know quite a bit about how humans learn language, and under what circumstances they don't. there's a lot we know about the construction of language, linguistics is not a new field. we definitely know enough to know it's not the AI attention mechanism or ingestion of vast datasets. we're born wanting to say ba ba ba, but language and meaning are deeply embodied for the first few years. and really the all of them, but that's too far for most people to go.
Without Sullivan, corruption would have ran unchecked in America. Without Sullivan, I wouldn't have had a career. Without Sullivan, a lot of people would have died from the accidents of unchecked corruption. Sullivan is the keystone of press freedom in opposition to corruption.
Corruption is the opposite of infrastructure. Sullivan keeps bridges up, roads whole, food safe, and medicine clean.
Folks, my folks, are just leaning so hard into misinformation right now, and it's toxic and dangerous. People who are against this neo-fash takeover, people who feel disempowered -- I get the emotions and why feeling helpless leads to bad info hygiene, but it's more important than ever to stay solid with reality and facts.
Writer, migrant, surprisingly nice in person. I write, these days mostly explainers. Old queer. I would rather be blocked than tone policed. More meme literate than I should be at this age. I mainly shitpost, then sometimes make you cry.