I'm sorry, it looks like I've made you feel betrayed or something.
good for you that you managed to learn PHP out of your love for GNU social.
you're probably right that I don't love it as much as you do. I'm happy you do, and I wish I did, too.
but sometimes we have to make difficult choices in life. I have taken up a number of commitments that have prevented me from putting in the time it would take to become proficient in PHP to be able to maintain and improve a GNU social instance. it hasn't happened over several years, it was no use deluding myself that I'd eventually manage to fit that in.
no real complains about GNU social. I've just been putting off figuring out how to install it and change it to better suit my very particular needs (I'm really annoyed by unstable URLs, that change if you accidentally reload, or if you leave them alone for a while and then get back to it and then "next" no longer does that), worried about how to go about maintaining it on my own (since there doesn't seem to be an active maintainer, at least not one I've been able to reach), and running such a large piece of code written in a language I'm not familiar on an internet-facing server didn't sound very appealing.
then I came across snac, that looked so easy to install, written in a language I'm deeply familiar with, aiming at current standards, very portable and readable, and it seemed like something I could give a try. so I did, and it didn't take me long to realize that it failed to serve my particular needs even worse than GNU social, but it took me no more than a few hours to patch it so as to bring it on par with GNU social + the local scripts I've long used with it to make it more manageable, and I already see a path to make it more friendly to my unusual preferences. on GNU social, because of the language, I'd likely be stuck for a much longer time to get to that point, and it would take me a much larger investment of time to learn PHP than I can afford 😞
same reason why any other tarball or ISO or IMG file containing programs that are free and programs that are nonfree doesn't infringe on the GNU GPL, but isn't OSD-compliant as a whole.
I'd be happy to have water or something else while you enjoy your beers; I'm not much of a fan of beer myself.
anyhow, my qualm is not with you specifically, it's institutional. OSI has been silent on the matter, and now it comes out of the woods voicing similar concerns about a different program, but remaining silent about its posterchild. it doesn't look good.
remember, it's not about copyright infringement: using materials to train LLMs doesn't require copyright permissions, and packaging even nonfree programs together is authorized by the GPL. it's about selective voicing of concerns over similar deviations from the definition your organization set out to guard.
no, I'm talking about incorporation of blatantly nonfree materials.
the difference is subtle: the GPL's requirements apply to whole programs, not to whole distributions.
the binary blobs included in Linux are largely believed to be "mere aggregation", not derivative works.
but they're nonfree programs, whether because of obnoxious licenses, and/or for lack of source code, and they're distributed as part of the kernel Linux, which makes Linux nonfree.
this has all long been known, but OSI has always turned a blind eye to it.
now another relevant program comes about that incorporates nonfree materials in its making, and you find a need to go on the record about this fact.
why the different takes? shouldn't you go (or have gone) on the record about Linux as well?
that would give it at least a resemblance of coherence and adherence to principle IMHO.
that makes it two of us! I've used GNU for over 33 years, and GNU social (and its earlier incarnations) for 16 years next month. it's not without a lot of sadness that I decided to leave GNU social behind, but I'm just not competent to install, run and maintain so much code in a programming language I'm not competent at, and I did not feel so comfortable on an instance whose announcements I couldn't understand (it will be years before I can read enough Japanese for that), and that appears to request contributions from its members in ways I couldn't contribute or even understand. I didn't wish to be a burden, so I figured I had to run my own instance, and then I came across a fediverse server that is free software, lightweight and written in a programming language I'm fluent at, so my path became clear. I hope you carry the torch and keep the flame alive for a very very long time! live long and prosper in freedom! thanks,
if you lose your freedom doing your best to keep it, you're blameless
the aggressor who attacked you and your community are to blame
even if you choose to give up your freedom, without bringing harm onto others, that's your freedom alone, and you're only accountable to yourself on that
'fraid so. The earliest blobs in Linux were already there in 1996. And a (very very) few remain as object code disguised as sources in the kernel Linux to this day. But even when there were lots of them in disguise there, and they were growing much faster than the whole of the kernel, OSI was suspiciously silent.
the kernel Linux, OSS posterchild, already contained clear violations of the OSD a couple of years before OSI was founded, and I've never seen someone from OSI come forward to call it out. why would you expect to be taken seriously now?
GNU Emacs. É quase o sistema operacional. É o que eu uso pra ler email, pra organizar tarefas e pensamentos, pra escrever texto e software, pra gerenciar meu tempo, pra manter meu calendário, enfim... dá até pra navegar web, gerenciar arquivos e abrir terminal de comandos. É o programa mais flexível, extensível e adaptável ao usuário que eu já conheci, e faz qualquer outro parecer hostil e desconfortável. #Tersoftware
I figured bookmarks could be used to that end, but they also cause a separate page to be loaded. and that's fine. the problem IMHO is that there's not an option to open that page on another tab, rather than replace the current one. don't get me wrong, I don't want JavaScript, that's one of the reasons I'm in love with snac. but I know it's possible to send actions to the server by opening links on another tab. I don't know why the action buttons in snac don't work that way. maybe it's a GET/POST thing?
I'm glad we're on the same page WRT wanting/needing the "already seen" marker.
is this a good place to discuss future features? or is there a mailing list or somesuch? I generally like to get agreement on feature designs before setting out to implement them, and I've historically participated in projects that used mailing lists quite heavily, even for patches.