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pistolero ('s status on Friday, 21-Mar-2025 12:53:29 JST pistolero
I'm gonna eat as many goddamn beans as I can fit into my stomach and then sit on the couch, clutching my stomach and crying, while the beans expand. - ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: and pwm like this.
- pwm repeated this.
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Sharia ('s status on Friday, 21-Mar-2025 13:03:47 JST Sharia
@p load the Gatling gun. pistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Friday, 21-Mar-2025 13:03:52 JST ins0mniak
@p pistolero likes this. -
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Ferri-kun ('s status on Friday, 21-Mar-2025 13:04:14 JST Ferri-kun This sounds like a top-tier idea. I approve. :ferret_good:
pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Friday, 21-Mar-2025 13:04:40 JST pistolero
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RedTechEngineer ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 02:43:35 JST RedTechEngineer
@p i like my beans baked in sugar pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 02:44:11 JST pistolero
@RedTechEngineer Oh, I can't. Beans have to be cooked with lard and peppers and salt. -
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Rude ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 02:46:51 JST Rude
@p I thought this was a colonoscopy picture. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 02:47:21 JST pistolero
@rude Well, hey there.
Nope, but I will absolutely post images if I do have a colonoscopy. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 03:20:30 JST jae
@p that's tasty chili. do you prefer pickled vs fresh jalapeno? pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 03:21:04 JST pistolero
@jae Well, it was just regular pork and beans. I threw some jalapenos in because I had some. -
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anime graf mays ?️? ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 03:25:49 JST anime graf mays ?️?
@RedTechEngineer @p I will have mine cooked in tomato sauce with a bit of brown sugar, thank you pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 03:26:13 JST pistolero
@graf @RedTechEngineer It is like pineapple on pizza to me.
italian_pineapple.jpg✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this. -
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JustJohnny - DM me the word 'nigger' ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 03:56:56 JST JustJohnny - DM me the word 'nigger'
@p Fart directly into the couch. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 03:57:29 JST pistolero
@JustJohnny Once a man gets to an age, he can fart wherever. It doesn't matter. -
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RedTechEngineer ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:01:16 JST RedTechEngineer
@graf @p 😋 pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:01:23 JST jae
@p brave. ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: and pistolero like this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:02:46 JST pistolero
@jae The pork was a nominal thing; I had a bone-in pork roast and there's always a lot of meat that is inconvenient to get off the bone. But you can just dump the entire bone into a pot of beans it will fall off. Another Linux Walt Alt likes this. -
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Horntoise ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:03:07 JST Horntoise
u muddafuckka yous pistolero likes this. -
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SilverDeth ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:17:15 JST SilverDeth
@p @JustJohnny This is truth. I am the king of my castle. I fart where I please. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:24:55 JST pistolero
@SilverDeth @JustJohnny I feel like this every time:
imthegorilla.mp4✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this. -
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✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:25:15 JST ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware:
@p @RedTechEngineer @graf A greek make the pineapple pizza btw, total italian death
turko_gets_scared.jpegpistolero likes this. -
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SilverDeth ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:28:42 JST SilverDeth
@p @graf @RedTechEngineer
Pizza is how you know God is real and he loves humans.
Pineapple pizza is a warcrime amd possibly blasphemy.
Fite me Greg. @NoDoxGregBradypistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:43:26 JST jae
@p okay so your made pork and beans. if this was from a can, i'd have a lot more questions and concerns. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:44:07 JST pistolero
@jae I don't usually eat things from cans. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:45:57 JST pistolero
@dcc @RedTechEngineer @graf Ha, MKULTRA has been thinking about Turkey a lot lately. I almost tagged you into the thread. ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:50:33 JST jae
> I don't usually eat things from cans.
then my concerns melt away, like pork from a bone. back to stasis.
image.pngpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:51:50 JST pistolero
@jae I mean, all bets are off during road trip: I ate a lot of gas station shit at 3 a.m. But otherwise, like, I feel better if I eat normal food instead of things from a freezer or a can. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:51:58 JST jae
@p @dcc @RedTechEngineer @graf
> Turkey
sadly he chooses hungry man turkey dinner. doesn't hit the samepistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 04:52:31 JST pistolero
@jae @RedTechEngineer @dcc @graf Ha, had you muted it by then? He had a whole rant about the Turks being genocidal and an enemy of civilization. ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 06:20:17 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae I bring food. Like I can map out the Whole Foods locations on a map but its not always available so its critical to have supplies on hand. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 06:20:49 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae I like to be in the place where I am, eat whatever they have there. pwm repeated this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 06:21:13 JST jae
@p @RedTechEngineer @dcc @graf muted mk or the thread? was it the helldmthread? i'm not on fedi as much as i could be these days. work is kicking my labor-glands pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 06:28:34 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 06:40:36 JST pistolero
@jae @RedTechEngineer @dcc @graf It was the DM hellthread, I think like two days ago. It was hilarious. ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 06:40:54 JST jae
@p we discussed the gas station dynamic. there is good stuff to eat at 03:00. pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 06:43:28 JST jae
@ins0mniak @p can you bring me pack of american newports and a case of smart water? pistolero likes this. -
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f0x ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:24:41 JST f0x
Alex Jones needs to be an actor. I need a fat detective, a fat ass angry something in a movie to be played by him. I need a Cinematic shot of his stupid face. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:24:51 JST pistolero
@f0x @SilverDeth @JustJohnny Then you'll love A Scanner Darkly. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:29:34 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak
wva_hotdog_map.gif -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:30:05 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae oh yeah I go other towns whole foods pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:30:13 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae :brandt: -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:30:21 JST jae
@p @RedTechEngineer @dcc @graf mk plays reruns. ill set my tivo
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Hotep 悪い? ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:32:06 JST Hotep 悪い?
@p @SilverDeth @JustJohnny I'm going to quote this now pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:34:38 JST pistolero
@Bad_Banner @SilverDeth @JustJohnny The man is a fountain.
spiritual_death.mp4 -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:36:41 JST jae
@ins0mniak @p i think he means when in rome eat romans. when in tx eat texans. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:40:05 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak I don't have to be on a desert island to start hallucinating people as big chicken drumsticks.
trumpsandwich.jpg -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:42:48 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae thats the wrong virginia pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:43:06 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae It's the Union one. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:43:13 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae i hate going above the mason dixon line.
bbq sucks once you do thatpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:43:27 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae That's accurate, that part I will grant. ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:43:34 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae midwest or south otherwise i want nothing to do wit it pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:44:29 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae I'm unable to eat most of this midwest food; I had an easier time finding food in Texas. They have southern food *and* southwestern food. -
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Ash Chapel ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:45:09 JST Ash Chapel
@p @jae @ins0mniak As someone who has spent a lot of time in WV, this map looks accurate. The panhandles are full of uncivilized cretins. pistolero likes this. -
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Another Linux Walt Alt ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:49:59 JST Another Linux Walt Alt
@p @jae @ins0mniak
The best BBQ I've ever had was in Kansas City. To be fair, my "down South" experience is only LA | MS | AL. But Texans think Whataburger is great, so I don't trust their judgement.pistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:51:43 JST ins0mniak
@lnxw37b2 @jae @p the best I had was this joint in southern Virginia man. om it blw my mind.
you order like a rack and you get this huge platter lolAnother Linux Walt Alt and pistolero like this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:52:36 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae oh yeah i forgot. you don't like frito casserole
man i had peanut soup the other day and it was epic afpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 07:57:39 JST pistolero
@lnxw37b2 @ins0mniak @jae I've been around the south; I like Texas barbecue more. I have heard there is Mexican food in this area but after conducting some research I have concluded that this is false. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:14:50 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae @lnxw37b2 mmm I stay in Virginia.
I prefer the food here. Ive been around a lot but idk I stay in Virginia manpistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:17:38 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak i know nothing of this. i only know of west virginia from american monopoly pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:18:04 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak I lived there a while. It's not a bad place, but it is rural. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:19:48 JST ins0mniak
@jae @p I just ordered bbq because of this thread.
lpistolero likes this. -
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ĐØⱠⱠ ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:19:57 JST ĐØⱠⱠ
Did you ever get those beers?
pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:20:29 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak 33 hours of 3am anything living becomes food and vice versa.
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:21:19 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak I finished up the beans for lunch. I also made...quesadillas. They looked exactly like this. EXACTLY LIKE THIS
gangstalking.gif -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:22:04 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak you're missing asian food. ask a guy about bellaire. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:23:26 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak I figure that I'll end up in Chinatown. I usually end up in Chinatown for reasons. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:23:34 JST jae
@lnxw37b2 @p @ins0mniak whataburger is not bbq. you're distorting the baseline. pistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:26:16 JST ins0mniak
@Doll @jae @p no well sort off...I got safeway delivery instead.
got some steaks and veggies.
Oh tonight I got bbq coming. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:29:16 JST jae
@ins0mniak @p
0bf-1229806575.pngpistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:32:07 JST ins0mniak
@jae @p oh im going to man. I got a half rack, slaw, devils pickels and a corn muffin.
I'm going full south tonight babe,pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:33:01 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak if you still lived there you'd be the god of fedi. now you're just mere mortal.
mn6imtn418361-388444941.jpgpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:34:00 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak I cannot die, nor can I ever be killed. ĐØⱠⱠ likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:36:18 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak 7-11 clerk human thigh nachos. im full.
7-Eleven+Nachos-1546650375.jpgpistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:38:25 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak we will see. you'll know chinatown when you visit my friends at best computer shop ever. yes. very serious. but they speak mandarin and btc pistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:40:47 JST ins0mniak
@jae @p naw naw i got legit bbq coming.
Ive travelled so much in life man, now I don't
I stay here in Virginia with my bbqpistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:44:45 JST jae
@ins0mniak @p i love when you call me babe when you go south.
giphy-4191538965.gifpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:47:35 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak
whatdotheycallcigarettes.jpeg -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:47:40 JST ins0mniak
@jae @p smootch pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:48:10 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak vaas violence as a service. 4x9s uptime.
evolusi-zombie-7-2669966255.gifpistolero likes this.Phantasm repeated this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:48:30 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak
born_to_corrupt.pngPhantasm likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:51:19 JST ins0mniak
@jae @p looks like the work of umbrella corporation pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:51:25 JST jae
@ins0mniak @p 1488 days later. pistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:56:21 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae come hang out here bros.
Ill get you drunk where Washington partied.pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:56:34 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae Sounds fun. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 08:57:19 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae Wait, do they have a bathroom nowadays or just some, like...what did they use, wooden teeth? -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 09:21:13 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae they were actually porcelain but yeah.
bro washington had a whiskey distillery right by his plantation, not bad whiskey.
you can buy it still based off his recipepistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 09:21:39 JST pistolero
> bro washington had a whiskey distillery right by his plantation, not bad whiskey.
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 09:29:20 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae pistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 09:53:58 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae yeah bro theres a bathroom lol pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 09:54:07 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae Okay, then I'm in. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 10:22:39 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae yeah its like....old world meet new or some conde nast traveler shit lol
bro virginians do have plumbing lolpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 10:23:21 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae You gotta check, man. Sometimes you show up and they're all "HISTORICAL ACCURACY GET ON THE GODDAMN BUTTER CHURNER" and then you have to crap in a hole. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 11:08:54 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae naw man its like in down town alexandria
I wouldnt take you to a poop in the hole place..
Im classy.pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 11:09:32 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae I have never actually operated a butter churner so that is good. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 11:17:40 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae Naw man I hang out upscale nsheeit. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Saturday, 22-Mar-2025 11:18:14 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae
03-_status_and_liaisons.mp3 -
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jae ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 02:06:36 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak where did this come from? not the specific, but the flow. this feels like a good yakuza tattoo to make pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 02:07:07 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak This is the origin:
born_to_die_world_is_a_fuck.jpepwm repeated this. -
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jae ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 02:09:22 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak
image.pngpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 02:10:26 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak
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jae ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 02:10:49 JST jae
@Charles_in_Charge @p @ins0mniak yes, this whole scenario is problematic. it makes no sense to do it. people try to save the world by burning it down?
people should enjoy smoking more
image.pngpistolero likes this. -
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Charles_in_Charge ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 02:10:50 JST Charles_in_Charge
@jae @p @ins0mniak What you see 30 seconds before someone torches a Tesla. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 02:15:43 JST pistolero
@jae @Charles_in_Charge @ins0mniak Hard to to enjoy it. (That's the trouble.) -
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RedTechEngineer ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:14:30 JST RedTechEngineer
@p @jae @ins0mniak only 4 sane counties pistolero likes this.:ihavenomouth: repeated this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:20:47 JST pistolero
@RedTechEngineer @ins0mniak @jae
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RedTechEngineer ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:21:30 JST RedTechEngineer
@p @jae @ins0mniak Seagate and NTFS are a match made in hell. pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:24:51 JST pistolero
@RedTechEngineer @ins0mniak @jae SHINGLES -
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jae ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:26:15 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak i'm now officially aligned
image.pngpistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:39:02 JST jae
@p @Charles_in_Charge @ins0mniak
> (That's the trouble.)
where there's a will. there's a lighter, shed, and can of oziumpistolero likes this. -
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waltercool ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:40:42 JST waltercool
@p British food pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:41:08 JST pistolero
@waltercool Are jalapenos even legal there? -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:41:47 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak 410,757,864,530 CLICKED BOATS -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:43:52 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak Contrasting viewpoints:
born_to_sleep.pngPhantasm likes this. -
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beard :meru_dab: ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:44:06 JST beard :meru_dab:
pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:45:37 JST pistolero
@beardalaxy @RedTechEngineer @jae @ins0mniak
pastel_de_patatas_con_salchicha.jpg -
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RedTechEngineer ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 03:55:43 JST RedTechEngineer
@p @jae @ins0mniak you will click the boat and be happy pistolero likes this. -
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ins0mniak ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 05:34:53 JST ins0mniak
@p @jae pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 05:35:30 JST pistolero
@ins0mniak @jae Figure if I was going all the way to Tokyo, I could find a skinner chick. -
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david [blobcat] ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 09:16:03 JST david [blobcat]
@p @jae @ins0mniak >NTFS
imagine not being ext4 cringepistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 09:22:14 JST pistolero
@david @ins0mniak @jae Not a fan of NTFS, but :kenbw: did a filesystem, and fossil/venti are pretty cool.
venti.pdf -
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jae ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 09:23:07 JST jae
@david @p @ins0mniak ext4 is solid as granite. pistolero likes this. -
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jae ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 09:23:11 JST jae
@p @ins0mniak reduced chance of booba crevice moisture. only lunatics motorboat sweaty bologna pistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 09:23:34 JST pistolero
@jae @ins0mniak
> only lunatics motorboat sweaty bologna
T-shirt. -
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pepsi_man ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 09:24:01 JST pepsi_man
@p @jae @ins0mniak
I thought SeaGate was like number one for server grade HDD's, innitpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Sunday, 23-Mar-2025 09:26:54 JST pistolero
@pepsi_man @ins0mniak @jae It's a meme,
Seagate and Western Digital keep trading places for which one sucks the most and which one is good. -
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jae ('s status on Monday, 24-Mar-2025 03:59:43 JST jae
@p @david @ins0mniak waking up to not news, but cache worm filesystem papers is winning
charlie-sheen-2SAMts-2741953785.gifpistolero likes this. -
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pistolero ('s status on Monday, 24-Mar-2025 04:00:22 JST pistolero
@jae @david @ins0mniak cwfs is really cool; default filesystem on 9front now.
I do really like fossil, so I run it everywhere except my laptop.