@lzg I think "expiring" is used that way sometimes, but not often enough to be natural. Closest I can think of is the phrase "at deaths door" or "on deaths doorstep" 🤔
@jenniferplusplus I find this analysis fascinating, but I'm not sure I fully get it. Would love to hear it spelled out a little more, if you have the time and inclination.
@inthehands it's funny, this usage change you note and the "literally" shift don't really bug me, but every time I hear "beg the question" used to mean "raise the question" I die a little inside.
@inthehands even is situations like FOSS projects, often responsibility for more "zoomed out" issues is tied to more control over the project, which translates to control over participation for folks in more "zoomed in" roles.
@inthehands and in the more extreme cases, when the patriarchal/misogynist position is dominant in the environment, the dynamic is more overtly threatening: Either you participate in and enforce the toxic definition of masculinity, or you are the target of it's violent enforcement.
@marthawells I will shamelessly plug the website of my teen jeweler: https://www.IdleTalons.com They do stone and silver work of various kinds. Almost all the stone they (or others of our family) found and cut.
Many interests, little time. Unschooling parent. Long-term interest in bicycles; built a bamboo diamond frame bike years ago, learning TIG welding now to mess around more again. I would like to talk with more thoughtful and empathetic people with whom I don't agree. Periodically I am very sad. Wrassle computers for money.