@BowsacNoodle@wing_str@judgedread@thefinn Agreed. I usually don't start bible fights unless it's some faggy atheist takes like with the guy who says he's a "Former Baptist"
@sickburnbro Currently helping out a buddy of mine with his house, which of course put me on the path of aiding a Mexican contractor (helped him with framing shit just today). To be fair to him he does a decent job and is pretty anal retentive but that's neither here nor there.
He had complained that some boomer looking to hire him was racist because since he was Mexican and was thus expected not to do a job worthy of high pay. Pablo had mentioned the potential employer had dealt with a string of shitty Mexican laborers/contractors before him
I simply told him that if the ratio for that boomer was 1/20 for Mexicans who gave a shit about their work, he wasn't being "racist" he was going off of a pretty good knowledge subset.
@Will2Power@SAKURARadiochan@theropologist You wouldn't need hentai because the likelihood of you actually finding a good woman to settle down with would be way higher
Man I wonder if this is like the Himmler bit where I'm told Nazis were pagang larpers yet I found out Himmler's religious proclamations were often just seen as "kooky" by the vast majority of his compatriots.
In short this was a problem in the sense that of course some people would try to sneak in some degenerate shit because that's what some people are ALWAYS gonna do, you hear about that kind of talk in white nationalist circles TODAY
No they don't. Reading Acts alone would absolve themselves of the notion that jews should be on some kind of pedestal. Reading Stephen's railing against the jews for murdering his Lord would shed some light on shit. Reading Jesus tell Pilate that even though he was allowing the execution, he still did not have the greater sin because the jews were the ones baying for His blood would put shit into perspective.
>Collection of jewish stories.
No. No it isn't. Why do you believe the same line that Scofield Bible pastors tell their congregation when you call them out for being deluded?