@dachary Qwen 2.5 is the best of the local models in my testing for the same purpose — and the same gap w/gtp4o mini. The biggest thing that jumped out for me was to stay alert for taxonomy decisions that rely on intentions outside of the documents themselves (ie this is for beginners). Nice to see you’re seeing similar results!
That is, conversations include accidental and intentional informal conversations, as well as intentional (deliberate) deliberations that really work on an issue — over time (as we understand more, as things change, etc.) too.
The architect role, by whatever name, gives some organizational commitment to sustaining that system expertise, attention and relationship space — in part to provide anticipatory awareness and continuity of attention to system capabilities, properties, and challenges.
@SwiftOnSecurity it’s an absolutely insufferably “podcast guy” kind of narrative but Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is so closely related to these themes for me; curious if you’ve read it.
It touches on both the pursuit of “quality” as an inherent elegant match between the tool and the task, and the poisonous “freshman’s disease” of learning enough to be frustrated and stalking off to change the world without studying the insights of those who’ve gone before.
@GhostOnTheHalfShell A strong case can be made that the entire appeal of the postwar neoliberal consensus was that moral arguments were unneeded. Everyone would pretend everyone supported the same goal, everyone would agree to use slightly different ratios of the same tools, and everyone could just get to prosperin’.
The refusal to acknowledge the end of that tenuous agreement — and the insistence on pretending violations of it will be punished by the electorate — characterizes the modern DNC.
A final data visualization sneak peek from the webinar Karen and I have been putting together. For each of the classification approaches (and each of the models used) we're generating to/from sankey diagrams to quickly gut-check the way documents are being recategorized.