half watching because too old timey for me: i am choosing to believe that the town all loves the gorgons and thinks they are very cool and good #monsterdon
if you don't have much time before you turn into a rock, i wouldn't waste time saying "listen carefully, i don't have much time" i would just say "i'm turning into a damn rock" #monsterdon
where the fuck is the dad wouldn't all the proof you need that your dad turned into a rock be that there's a big fucking rock that looks like your dad in your dads house #monsterdon
these people have no idea how to handle turning into a rock. amateurs. i could turn into a rock and leave a million page note that whips ass and tells you everything about turning into a rock #monsterdon
bittorrent is like your old and stodgy grandparent who doesn't talk much and falls asleep in the reclining chair at 4pm every day but if you need them to they will wake up and build you an entire new house, get you groceries, and teach your kids how to read in like one hour
why would anyone listen to what their university employer said to them anyway, ucla has been sending IT goons to take away my server and WiFi router every week since I got here, I just tell them no, they leave, and then they forget about it for awhile. Just tell them you forgot the password to your website it aint that hard
Digital infrastructure 4 a cooperative internet. social/technological systems & systems neuro as a side gig. writin bout the surveillance state n makin some p2p. #UAW4811 rank and file agitatorinformation is political, science is labor.science/work-oriented alt of @jonnyThis is a public account, quotes/boosts/links are always ok <3.