Brian Thompson killed more Americans by denying them critical healthcare, AFTER THEY PAID HIM FOR IT, than any terrorist with an WMD ever did.
People clutching pearls at the manner of his death did not raise any of that stink when he used AI to essentially kill (or cut length or quality of life from) hundreds of thousands, for profit.
Thompson was a smiling monster. protecting monsters is an obscenity unto itself.
Maybe "murder is not the answer" but when EVERY AND ANY OTHER ANSWER is denied to people, the Rule of Law has failed, factually.
For fuck's sake a convicted felon ON BAIL is being allowed to enter the White House, when he should be going to the Big House.
Law reflects (or should) the overall Will of People. Law is only as good as People are. Law is just ink on paper, if people are not willing to enforce it. Legal fetishes are not gonna save us, guys.
be 117% sure of one thing: clutching pearls and bothsidism ARE killing democracy, because allowing the other side to use a missile launcher when the spineless dems bring niceties to the fight.
His decision on policies that denied life saving critical care, to preserve his fat paycheck and shareholders winnings killed as much as any WMD could.
IMO, eventually, all the inconsistencies, compounded bugs, added bloat from copypasta code, and "ai" slop added to non-FOSS OSes and software will reach a critical point, where nothing commercial will work or perform the functions they were designed to do; but it will still be able to get online, mostly because the boxes that make internet actually work all run on Unix/Linux.
Some folks think I am some sort of #Linux worship fiend.
Nothing further from the truth; I simply admire that, in an age of near absolute #enshittification of most commercial software, the whole #FOSS thing seems to prove itself, time and time again, as a process (community created, refined and supported) that generates Things That Work. Because their objective IS to make it work, not generate "value for shareholders" and help CEOs buy their fifth yacht.
I have oodles and buckets of things to pick at, regarding Linux. Monolithic kernel?? Really?? What is this, 1960s? You manage memory HOW? Oh. The list goes on and on, don't get me started.
I was a serious enthusiast of the myriad of alternative OSes, in the Cambrian-like explosion of diversity of the 90s. So much diverse, curious, ingenious, brilliant solutions and notions! #BeOS, #OS2#QNX (ok, 1980s), #Plan9OS, #ReactOS, to name a few out of so, so many other great Alt OSs of the time...
Compared to those, Linux seemed to actually freeze and stall evolution, sticking to the limitations of the vision by Torvalds (sorry, man, it's true, plenty of admiration for the guy, but dropped the ball on that kernel) at the time of its inception.
However, being the mainstay of FOSS, I use it, champion it, and defend it against ANYTHING commercial.
Until someone truly resurrects BeOS (eeeeh #Haiku ... eh....) lol
It's becoming ever clearer that the quest for a free #internet will be one of the relevant struggles going forward.
The sheer power of #dezinformatsiya spread by internet, alone, should be enough to establish that. Much like any powerful device/weapon/notion, the internet can be used for good or evil. Leaving it to corporate greed is not working too well, for the rest of us, in case nobody has noticed.
The internet was born de-centralized. Its roots were people's pooled resources, and time, skill and effort of tech inclined volunteers in online communities.
Corporations saw that, decided to entrap less tech inclined majority, and transform popular access to those communities into a product. They steal people's agency. Web2.0. Then Web3.0. Just new names for #enshittification and corporate greed.
De-centralized #FOSS (Free, Open Source Software) networks and their instances, such as the #fediverse, are meant to be a place to bring the internet back to the people, to dismantle the corporate take over of it, to revert back from the idiocy of "web2.0", and refuse the theft of our AGENCY, as online denizens.
This must be the revolution of Web1.0+, if we are to avoid becoming products, only.
The internet must return to its origin as an online community, and not a pool of digital cattle, if technologically advanced/dependent societies - and #democracy itself, even - are to survive
Optimist mugged by reality, still.Billionaires shouldn't exist.NAFOtastic.Camouflaged, at times. Sec cleared. Troglodyte, tech savvy ludite, not-quite-erudite grudge holder extraordinaire.Humorless people stay the hell away.Opinions and fluids expressed solely mine. Go find your own.