@phaedral @Atticus1956 @GottaLaff perspective
Brian Thompson killed more Americans by denying them critical healthcare, AFTER THEY PAID HIM FOR IT, than any terrorist with an WMD ever did.
People clutching pearls at the manner of his death did not raise any of that stink when he used AI to essentially kill (or cut length or quality of life from) hundreds of thousands, for profit.
Thompson was a smiling monster. protecting monsters is an obscenity unto itself.
Maybe "murder is not the answer" but when EVERY AND ANY OTHER ANSWER is denied to people, the Rule of Law has failed, factually.
For fuck's sake a convicted felon ON BAIL is being allowed to enter the White House, when he should be going to the Big House.
Law reflects (or should) the overall Will of People. Law is only as good as People are. Law is just ink on paper, if people are not willing to enforce it. Legal fetishes are not gonna save us, guys.
be 117% sure of one thing: clutching pearls and bothsidism ARE killing democracy, because allowing the other side to use a missile launcher when the spineless dems bring niceties to the fight.