Notices by JohnYoungE (
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@judgedread Dayum ... education doesn't seem to be doing any favors for White men either.
I'd like to see that broken down for White men by major though. I have a double stack of degrees and am pretty far right.
I am thinking most "pure science" majors end up basically subsidized by government grants, so they'd be left. Ditto for stuff like social work, education, psychology etc. As well as fields that are basically symbiotic with government at this point like law and medicine.
But I am suspecting that engineering majors would be a different cup o tea.
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@Escoffier @judgedread I recall that Dr Pierce was a physicist.
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@judgedread I think at this point we have lost the ability to launch a battleship in any reasonable period of time. We currently have zero in service, which is why I mentioned that particular platform.
The battleships we launched in WWII required 3 years and 71000 men each.
We no longer have the industrial base etc to provide for that many fully competent people who can do things like weld armor plate or run a pipe straight for 100'.
Likewise many of our former dry docks that could handle such things no longer exist. For example the Fore River Shipyard was torn down and when I last checked was being used to park cars before someone comes along and turns it into condos.
Our most recent destroyer (DDG 1002) took 6 years to build. And we are building far fewer.
We have naval superiority due to accumulation -- that is to say that things like naval vessels can be kept afloat and working for a long time once built. And since we haven't had wars where we have lost them, we haven't had to rebuild them.
But if we were ever in a position where we had to start building five at a time and crank them out in 3 years or less -- we couldn't do it.
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A standard 7.62x39 has eleven feet of drop at 500 yards.
And your standard AK ain't exactly a tack driver.
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@WilhelmIII @Eleutheria2 @WhiteApe True! FAL is very under-rated. Great platform.
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@TrevorGoodchild @Rasterman Shockingly low numbers.
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@Escoffier @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Sulla_Felix @James_Dixon @somemightsay My understanding from studying the early church is that the "Elders" would be the presbyters, and that there were two types of elders -- the ruling elders, and generally one teaching elder, who was what was called the Bishop. Serving under the elders were helpers -- deacons.
But there was no higher authority in the individual local church than this Bishop -- i.e. teaching elder. Or what we might call the pastor. Although Paul certainly tried to serve the function of an "overseer of bishops (i.e. the spiritual leaders of individual churches)" this was in very early days, and nowhere does scripture endorse the existence of archbishops, cardinals, etc.
As for apostolic succession -- I am rather iffy that this is at all unbroken if, in the line, you find men such as popes who fucked married women and had their husbands murdered etc etc etc. Although all people sin, the idea that someone can engage in THAT level of evil AFTER installation as Pope and be a valid apostle is not sane. And multiple such popes existed prior to the schism with the orthodox.
So I do not buy that an actual meaningful person-to-person succession actually exists. Rather, the succession is one of the spirit, not the physical. That said, the installation of a Bishop/Pastor that includes the laying on of the hands of others already in the ministry of that denomination DOES (at least in theory) assure the orthodoxy of the newly installed Bishop's doctrine.
However, the very existence of hundreds of Christian denominations and borderline schism even within those -- with the founders of nearly all of these having been previously ordained by the laying on of hands of a bunch of ministers of the existing denomination -- demonstrates the ineffectiveness of this.
Either way, I don't think that just because someone thinks he can trace his ordination back 200 generations, that makes it any more valid automatically than someone who cannot. The validity is determined by the fruit -- true faith and doctrine, proper administration of the sacraments, etc.
That said, I think people see schism backwards in some cases.
An institutional denomination can fall away from the true faith and doctrine or engage in egregious institutionalized sin. In these cases, those who break away because they still adhere to the true faith and doctrine are deemed the "schismatics" even though they are the ones doing what is religiously right.
In that respect I would actually see what both the Orthodox and Martin Luther did as completely valid. (And with only minor differences I actually consider true Lutheranism and Orthodoxy to be the same faith. One would best consider true Lutheranism to be the German Orthodox church.) Schism can thus serve to preserve the true doctrine on one hand, and also a way to get heretics out of the church on the other.
But beyond all this, Christ promised that his Church (consisting of the priesthood of all believers) would be preserved until the end.
So I believe the actual Church -- this priesthood of all believers -- IS fighting against trannyism etc. We see these as individuals and small groups -- but they are there, and their faith is driving them.
This should be seen as separate from entities with government/satanic subsidies (i.e. many institutional churches today, including Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran in some countries). The fact that entities basically funded (directly or indirectly) by government would fail to oppose its satanic initiatives is not shocking.
However, Christ's Church is not the same thing. And that church still fights.
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@patris @James_Dixon @Escoffier @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Sulla_Felix @somemightsay I am part of such a congregation, and there is indeed singing. We think the enlightenment is crap, refer to Jews as antichrist and our teenage boys get taught shooting etc.
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@judgedread @sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild Also, 40% of the chips in our weapons systems come from Chyyyynah.
I'm not an expert military strategist (though I did take the classes at a military academy) ... but if you literally depend on your enemy for the weapons to fight him ... you can only fight that enemy with his permission.
We could still have a war with China if their government decides that their excess "no prospects of ever getting laid" male population poses a risk to stability. They'd use us as a mechanism to wipe those men out on one hand, while secretly sending us the chips we need for the weapons to do it.
But yeah, other than that, the only thing that matters to our government (evident in every single speech by every politician) is Jews. They have greater loyalty to the (state of) Israel and to Jews than to the US or (especially heritage) Americans.
The US no longer has the industrial base to actually fight a war of any substantial size against an actually industrialized enemy. And the bureaucratization of the process of making what few weapons we can make is to such an extent that those weapons cost 10x what they should. It's no different than in academia where there are 10 useless parasites for everyone who actually teaches. In the weapons business there are 10 people dedicated to filling out all the correct forms and maintaining "compliance" with hundreds of rules for every person who actually designs, builds or fixes the weapons.
So we can't afford actual war against an actual substantive enemy.
One wild card in this -- of those chips that aren't made in China, most of the rest (the most advanced ones) are made in Taiwan. Without Taiwan ... there are no weapons to be used on behalf of Washington's Lord and Master in Tel Aviv. So they may HAVE to preserve Taiwan until at least Iran is taken out.
Also -- and this is something most don't calculate -- it is entirely possible for China and Taiwan to have a situation similar to China and Hong Kong and for that to happen without war. If we don't think China is busy infiltrating, corrupting and subverting ... we are unaware of the books on their bookshelves that explain exactly how Jews did that to us.
So interesting times ahead. The only 100% guarantee is Washington will sacrifice anything for Jews and the (state of) Israel.
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@s2208 @LostShakerOfSalt @BattleDwarfGimli @pyrate @tyler @BowsacNoodle @Floydian_Psychology @HyperboreanWave @vic Yes and no.
Broadly, I would agree that most countries could afford that.
Sadly, they pretty much all are built on ponzi scheme financial systems that require infinite expansion.
Most of this climate change bullshit is actually angling to have everyone end up paying carbon fees, constantly renting etc as a way of making sure those who currently hold wealth don't see that diminish when markets can no longer expand. So its a way of squeezing more out of each individual.
There is another problem with decreased population beyond a certain point. All capacities exist on a curve. If you are facing problems requiring a bunch of people from the top 1% of the IQ distribution to address -- the lower your population, absent eugenics, the smaller the absolute number of that 1% will be. The whole point of AI is to try to reduce the impact of that.
I would agree that lowering population would be beneficial IF it were coupled with eugenic policies. But since that's unlikely, it just means massive collapse of finances, government etc etc etc.
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@HyperboreanWave @pyrate @LostShakerOfSalt @BattleDwarfGimli @tyler @BowsacNoodle @Floydian_Psychology @vic China is also experiencing a sufficient drop in birth rates to consider it a crisis. In a mere 70 years their population will be cut in half. And that's under national socialism.
And no, the inventiveness thing is not a cope. Of course China can produce things cheaper with zilch environmental regulations, feeding a gigantic plastic island in the ocean, and suicide nets outside their factories.
If they were capable of making a civilization worth living in, they wouldn't be seeking to come to Canada and America in fucking droves because they'd be so happy in China. Reality is only White people can build civilizations so awesome everyone else wants to move there.
The mobile execution van thing, I must admit, is pretty snazzy. But, if the Jews are to be believed (which is iffy), a White man invented that first too.
As I mentioned, East Asians can perfect White inventions (such as making a car cheaper) but it is rare for them to actually invent something. Why do you think amps, volts, hertz etc have the names they do? They were named after their inventors -- White men.
Meanwhile, race mixing with Asians is self-genocide. IQ is not the only worthwhile human attribute. And Asians in general currently outnumber White people. They should be removed from our countries and sent back to their own.
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@s2208 @LostShakerOfSalt @BattleDwarfGimli @pyrate @tyler @BowsacNoodle @Floydian_Psychology @HyperboreanWave @vic Truth. Find a smart girl with a high school diploma.
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@HyperboreanWave @pyrate @LostShakerOfSalt @BattleDwarfGimli @tyler @BowsacNoodle @Floydian_Psychology @vic I dunno about the religious stuff, but if East Asians are so damned smart why is the birthrate of South Korea down to 0.81 births per woman and still falling? At present rates in 30 years they'll be cut in half, and in 100 years they won't exist.
Is self-genocide a marker of superior intellect?
Also, IQ alone does not tell the whole story. Yes, East Asians have a slightly higher average IQ than Whites. But you may have noticed they almost never actually INVENT anything. They will perfect the hell out of something White people invented, but very rarely invent anything themselves. That's because they are genetically predisposed to conformity, and inventions break conformity.
With the problems we face, we need inventiveness for survival. East Asians would be a poor place to find it.
On the rest of this thread which is just throwing insults back and forth ... who cares?
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@s2208 She's only married to a woman until a suitable man comes along.
What is "ENM?"
Also ... who wants to bond over therapy?
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@s2208 Correct. Your body's hormones are carefully regulated in what is called the HPTA. (hypothalamic–pituitary-testicular axis)
There are feedback loops. If you add more testosterone, then that feeds back to the hypothalamus which then shuts down the body's natural testosterone production. (I am simplifying.)
Very problematic is that once this is shutdown, getting it kickstarted again is a bitch. Typically, body builders, who have only used testosterone on a 6 or 12 week cycle, will do what is called PCT (post cycle therapy) using a variety of drugs that are usually used to treat breast cancer to try to get the normal production started again.
But generally speaking, once someone is using exogenous testosterone, it should be considered a life-long necessary intervention to preserve ongoing quality of life.
Also, while using testosterone, one can find some unexpected problems. Pretend, for example, that one is a little overweight. Fat cells produce aromatase, which very helpfully converts testosterone into estrogen. This might give some very unexpected results from testosterone supplementation (eg getting fatter and growing mammary glands), so people taking testosterone often also employ what are called aromatase inhibitors.
This gets messy.
In general, if someone is considering exogenous testosterone, I would instead recommend losing weight, lifting progressively heavier things and getting plenty of sleep. In this way, the HPT axis up-regulates naturally to accommodate the body's demands.
It is sometimes that case that even if not overweight, aromatase is converting testosterone to estrogen. A good intervention for this is a natural supplement such as DIM (made from broccoli) that reduces this phenomenon.
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@s2208 Easiest place to buy perfect bioidentical testosterone is "lift heavy things" and get good sleep. The body adapts to its demands.
The following assumes one has all of the valid import/manufacturing licenses and/or prescriptions necessary for these to be 100% legal.
There is an entire culture of people using steroids (including plain testosterone) in bodybuilding, and there are online lists of suppliers along with reviews. They are typically shipped in from outside the country. Same places that supply roids will also supply blue pills.
That said, unless really truly needed, I'd caution against it. Using exogenous testosterone shuts down your body's ability to make it, making you dependent on outside sources (similar to a tranny) which is never a good place to be in a very unsettled world if avoidable.
You can buy pure cholesterol online cheap, and making testosterone from cholesterol is a standard synthesis in older organic chemistry college lab textbooks.
To make it clean enough to inject (mixed with sunflower oil), you can buy sterile ampules online, syringes and syringe filters. Syringe filters will remove any bacteria.
Again, all the above assumes all licenses etc needed to make this legal are in place.
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@s2208 It's not that "men" won't date them ... it's that the particular men they want, who have already been snagged by far wiser women, won't date them.
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@Starprophet1 @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @Neofugue1 @alchemy Power to effectuate changes in policy is not a matter of intelligence. It is a matter of connections -- who you know, and the position that puts you in. And actual Christians, especially White ones, are excluded from positions of power and influence.
This is why admission to the Ivies is such a big deal -- because that is a primary path to making those critical connections for people who don't already have them via family ties.
Thus there are a number of men with extraordinarily high capabilities and intelligence in my church -- generally engineers in the defense industry -- who have very little access to political influence.
It is also a factor that highly intelligent people aren't always oriented toward power-seeking. If you want such people in positions of power and influence, you have to actively push them. It is a truism that those who pursue power tend to be the last people who should actually have it.
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@lks @Starprophet1 @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @Neofugue1 @alchemy This is an interesting conundrum. We have a culture where capability and power are disconnected. We have some seriously stupid people in Congress, for example. And we have literal geniuses basically consigned to artificial light in labs.
There are a lot of moving parts to the problem. But one simple part we can easily remedy is that we allow kids to basically pursue what THEY find interesting, rather than molding them to be responsible wielders of power and to understand that wielding it is their responsibility.
This is something we had with aristocracy, but lack today except (of course) in the cases of familial power transfer.
Everyone with an IQ of 130+ has had the experience of answering to a stupid boss who does not, and cannot, understand important things. And that problem is factors worse for those with a truly high IQ.
Unless someone is part of the ruling class already, kids with high IQs are groomed into STEM instead of into politics etc. (Those with lopsided verbal might do law.) That's why people with majors in public administration etc tend to have among the lowest IQs of all college students.
So maybe instead of pointing our high IQ kids toward stem, we should point them toward paths to power.
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@s2208 @WilhelmIII @zeke @Aly @thefinn I was just curious -- I went through and accidental PUA phase and stacked up a low triple digit count in about 3 years, and I don't consider myself either alpha or good looking ... I'm not even tall.
But I DO have borderline psychopathic self-confidence ...
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