@feld@Niall Unfortunately, most people either don’t know or want to think about how incredibly polluting the US military is compared to whole fuсking countries. Of all the carbon emissions that the US as a country puts out, about 1-2% of it is its military; which, given the sheer size of the US, is greater than the amount of CO₂ that Denmark belches out.
@eff This has always been the case and allow me to confess that, as a child, I have never once obeyed a single “You must be 18+ to enter this website” prompt. It’s a good thing that criminal records are wiped when you enter adulthood.
@lanodan@enoch_exe_inc@emily Oh yeah, sorting algorithms (amongst other algorithms) have funky names, too. Like heapsort. Also, what happens if we invent an even quicker sorting algorithm than quicksort? Call it “quickersort”?
@emily Agreed. Array, list, stack, queue, vector, zipper, buffer—they’re all pretty funky names for subtly different linear data structures (i.e. lists).
They don’t compare to how physicists name things, though. For instance, all the supersymmetric particles just have the letter s prefixed to it.
Dear fellow #leftists (but especially #communists): replace the word #tankie with #woke, and you’ll suddenly understand liberal discourse a lot better.
@zleap@QasimRashid Turns out if you have friends in high places, you can just bypass the UN and go straight to committing war crimes with no repercussions because the US will protect you. Israel is just the latest, most blatant example. Three-quarters of the world’s dictatorships and hundreds of military interventions are all the others.
@Radical_EgoCom I’ve always glorified the Red Army’s glorious vengeance against the Nazis and sacking of Berlin…even though I’m also aware of all the war crimes they committed along the way. I dunno, but in my opinion, THIS is how you should always fight fascism, war crimes and all.
@WarnerCrocker@RickiTarr My household doesn’t even have Thanksgiving dinners anymore. Not because of politics, no. I never really had them to begin with. Also, I’m Canadian; Thanksgiving was a month ago.
@NeonPurpleStar@enoch_exe_inc@rysiek Bernie Sanders and AOC are Social Democrats, a position I don’t agree with as much as I used to, but it’s one I’ll tolerate because it’s by far the most realistic “better option” the United States can become.
That said, there aren’t very many of them. In fact, those two are the only ones that come to mind. Does this strike you as a bit of a problem when it comes to affecting change?
@rysiek@enoch_exe_inc I don’t want to end the war on Russian terms either. But I also don’t want billions of dollars in weapons thrown willy-nilly into Ukraine with no way of knowing where they’ll end up or what kinds of militant groups may end up using them against us in the future.
That’s what happened during the Soviet-Afghanistan War, and we got 9/11 and the whole War on Terror in return. There has to be a way to stop this without causing blowback. There has to be.
@rysiek@enoch_exe_inc Twenty years ago, it was conservatives and the Iraq War. I’ve always assumed it was an inherent trait of conservatism to be a bloodthirsty warmonger. Now, it turns out liberals are no different.
@rysiek@enoch_exe_inc Don’t misrepresent me. I don’t directly oppose the current course of actions, but…it has not significantly changed the situation since a thousand days ago.
It’s scary to see how many “liberals” are so totalitarian that simply expressing a desire not to *prolong* the war is met with petty insults, death threats, and attempts to silence all dissent.
What’s been happening in Ukraine (and Israel, and other wars we supposedly peaceful, democratic countries inexplicably support) has made me take a long hard look in the mirror, and I’ve concluded that we are exactly as responsible for the war in Ukraine as Russian disinformation alleges. They’re right—for all the wrong reasons—but they’re still right regardless.
@mcv@rysiek@enoch_exe_inc The supporters of Ukraine want peace? I find that hard to believe with continual arms shipments, windfall profits for arms manufacturers, and exploitation of Ukraine’s labour and natural resources.
@rysiek@enoch_exe_inc It’s a “dick move” in that it’s unnecessarily excessive. Despite what the wartime propaganda would have you believe, there *are* in fact a lot of far-right Ukrainian nationalists and literal Nazis—but invading the country is hardly a way to get rid of them. Oh, wait, what was that about containment and the Vietnam War?
In fighting ‘to the last drop of Ukrainian blood’, whose blood will we use when once the last drop of blood has been spilt?
@rysiek@enoch_exe_inc By the way, what counts as “bullying”? Oh, I agree that invading Ukraine is a dick move by Russia…but, compared to the United States, it’s a single drop of blood compared to the bucketfuls of blood that repeatedly pour over the heads of nearly every single country in the Global South. Again, not a justification or a defence, but have to face facts: #WeAreTheBaddies.
@rysiek@enoch_exe_inc Can’t we have peace talks? Negotiations? A violent revolution in Russia, Ukraine, and the United States that overthrows their imperialist governments? Nope. I guess that while these are certainly solutions that would benefit the people living in these countries, it certainly wouldn’t benefit the ruling class nor line the pockets of the military-industrial complex.