@RedTechEngineer@mk@p@djsumdog Ops ... Slow lazy developers again. :frown: Hey devs, port your damn software! Even my software started with PHP 4 (!) and runs on PHP 8 now. Yes, runs. But with deprecated stuff like array() instead of [] and still with closing PHP tag ?>. Shame on me! 😂
@mk@p@djsumdog I can understand you both. On one hand, software X can migrate/upgrade its file structure (e.g. "binary format") by itself by running automatically some migration/upgrade script. These scripts can be bound to version numbers (when the upgrade takes place) so the user=admin isn't bothered by it. The "in-place" migration also forces the upgrade on the user=admin.
But it seems like #PostgreSQL seem to follow an other philosophy that says that administrators are the responsible persons and it should be in their full control when the migration/upgrade should take place. So they don't want to force the upgrade on the admin's decision-making progress and let him decide whenever it takes place.
So what would be the solution? A simple script like pg_upgrade.sh that the administrator can manually run or for those people like @mk is that the installer asks "Should pg_upgrade.sh run for your automatically?" and it is done then during upgrade.
@fu That's a childish short-ranged view on the actual problem in Ukraine. There is a law against "foreign" languages in place which only allows Ukrainian as a spoken and written language. Just image this reflected back at, let's say Germany where Turkish people suddenly start demanding that Turkish is the only language allowed to be used in Germany and if you speak e.g. German you are being fined with 200-300 EUR each attempt. Sure you you divide a country with this attempt.
@steffen@heluecht@vegos_f06 BTW: bahn.social is now offline: "Cannot connect" or timeouts. This is a connection issue on the remote site not here. They are probably working on it? I got this same blurred images when I view older posts with long-gone instances.
@kromonos@SolSoCoG Bevor der Rechtsweg eingeschlagen wird, wuerde ich persoenlich erstmal dass so machen, SolSoCoG es (wohl) tut, freundlich auf sie zugehen.
@fu@joebraun It is very easy to understand. You live in your country and stop making babies. Then you let a lot of "immigrants" into your country to mitigate the dropping birthrates. That is what happens here in Germany. If you don't want to see it, that's not my problem.
@fu@joebraun Birth rate is declining also in Russia. So the president asked women to have more babies to combat that. Here in Germany, we also have dropping birth rates but instead we let more immigrants come here because our society needs to be more "diverse" (means lesser white people). Russia isn't controlling anything here, it is still your choice, the president only kindly asked them for choosing more a "family career" over a business career. If that's what you call controlling and have no problems with your ethnic group is replaced by foreigners (dropping birth rate but increasing immigration rate), then that's your problem. And BTW: child-rich families are also supported financially there (depending in which oblast you live in).
@faab64@petergleick Yes, do they think the nuclear fallout aka. "nuclear winter" is not hitting them? Do they think the Russian (or any other "evil empire"'s army) don't have these "little firecrackers", too?
@faab64@petergleick Yes, the problem is that younger generations cannot "feel" or understand what that means because they did not experience disasters like #Chernobyl or #Fukushima . My father is a reservist now (German #Bundeswehr ) and he was with the air force (Luftwaffe) and he brought at that time a #Geiger counter home and it was "cracking", means counting radiation. I'm glad my daughter is healthy, it didn't damage my DNA.
@clacke Do you have some knowledge in #Python or configuring and running such scripts? Then you can build your own (different!) index. If you like you can try my massively changed and now different version of #FBA : git.mxchange.org/?p=fba.git You can clone it with: git clone git://git.mxchange.org/fba.git
@fu#TOTP is the proper way of doing #2FA, your mobile device (or local computer, see my script at f.haeder.net/2fa.sh ) stores the secret keys, no mobile number needed. #Nextcloud provides TOTP, by notifications (accept/reject) and by email. If you don't enable it, someone only need to guess your password and can login. Here on my instance that person won't come far, including that my password is unique here.
@fu Sehe ich auch so wie du. Schlussendlich hast du es ja veroeffentlicht. Und nun soll es wieder weg, wegen was auch immer? Das gleiche gilt natuerlich auch andersrum, ueberlege dir @kromonos mal was wohl diejenigen machen werden, die dich gemobbt und gestalkt haben, wenn sie es tatsaechlich loeschen koennten und es keine #WaybackMachine gebe ... Niemand koennte es denen mehr nachweisen und die koennten munter gegen dich behaupten, du denkst dir das alles nur aus. Mit web.archive.org sieht das anders aus. Ich will nicht darauf eingehen, ob Gerichte dies anerkennen, das ist mir egal. Die Internetnutzer muessen mehr Eigenverantwortung uebernehmen, also nur das oeffentlich schreiben/in's Internet einstellen, was auch oeffentlich sein soll und nicht nachher doch revidieren. Es ist gut, dass es die Wayback-Machine gibt und dass sie nicht auf #NetzDG und "Recht auf Vergessen" hoert. Zu viele Zensurgelueste kaemen dann hoch.
@Ji Fu I see also in such a way like you. In the end, you have published it.
And now it should go away again, because of whatever? The same applies of course the other way around, think @kromonos think about what those who have bullied and stalked you will do if they could actually delete it and there is no #WaybackMachine ... Nobody would be able to prove it to them and they would be able to against you that you are just making it up. With web.archive.org it looks different. I don't want to go into the question, whether courts recognize this, I do not care. The Internet users must take more take more responsibility, so only write publicly/in the Internet what should be what should be public and not to revise it afterwards. and not revise it later. It is good that there is the Wayback-Machine and that and that it does not listen to #NetzDG and "right to be forgotten". Too many censorship rumors would come up then.
I love free software, freedom, decentralization and no capitalism. I write with a QWERTZ keyboard but have setup US layout. #BlacklistIsNoRacism #heterosexual #EndFGM #ProDashcam #IloveK1 #SayNoToVVS #SayNoToGenderWoowoo. #fedi22 #IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithJordanPeterson #IStandWithRileyGaines #SayNoToWoke #IStandWithMaya #StopErasingWomen #ManNotCis #StraightDontFuckWithTrans