@MattHatton dude that pig, and any other professionally produced kids media, is a billion times better than the trash my kids watch on YouTube, which is mostly them watching other kids yell and scream and play with the same toys I bought them that they never play with.
@TheBreadmonkey@patrickhadfield@inbella every time I bring this up to the Brits I know they gone on about how the king is good for the economy because tourism or something and that if they weren't super rich everyone would be worse off.
@GenXer if my copy pasta worked, you would have understood. Alas,it didn't. It was a story about a family in India where the B-I_L got tired of being asked to go to the market to buy rice every day and he made a deal with the guy who delivered to the shop to deliver some to his house. He was expecting one giant bag, he instead got one flat bed truck of giant bags.
Our friend, #SeaMonkey developer and releng William Andrew Gianopoulos, better known as WG9s, passed away unexpectedly on Monday, January 6, 2025.
Visit his obituary for further details and, if you feel so, add a condolence message.
We are still all very sad and will miss him and his cat Bella much. Light a candle for him and remember: No one is really dead unless you stop thinking about him or her and we won't forget him and what he did for sure.
He left a big hole and we will see what we can do about publishing prerelease builds in the future.
with a very diverse set of capabilities of the admins
I hear you there. I "managed" my friend's Friendica instance antizuckbook.com we never actually seemd to get federation working, he just assumed I could do anything because I was a nerd, and after a year we just let the domain expire.
opening a libranet.de friendica account also give you access to their nexcloud instance with 500MB of storage, expandable upon request, and the libranet.de XMPP server.
XMPP chat on libranet.de – feature rich chat server, you can simply use it with your libranet.de Friendica username/password, end-to-end encryption is fully supported, not integrated into Friendica, you can use it with any XMPP client like e.g. Conversations on Android
my understanding was that some #plemora instances that integrated secure XMPP for chat, and of course what is and what is not the fediverse is always up for debate. I for one would include NOSTR as part of the 'verse and their whole thing is based around E2EE security nuts. 😉
For my friends on Diasp.org when you move you may want to consider #Friendica. Friendica supports both the Diaspora* protocol and ActivityPub, in addition to direct support of RSS & its own DFRN; many more are available via plug-in (Bluesky, pump.io, Ostatus, etc.).
@hans@mikedev does HubZilla support the Diaspora* protocol? I was of the understanding that Friendica was the only platform on the 'verse that supports both Activity pub and Diaspora.
@sandwich@hans I had heard that Diaspora* was the first of the 'verse to be a refuge to those leaving freedom denying closed source corporate social media, particularly Google+. Is that not the case?
@wjmaggos well, it's more than one third, but that's because the State limits so many people from having even the minimal say of voting over the government that most directly affects them.
FamilyMan been married for >15 years and have two daughters. Those three girls are my greatest love on this planet.I consider myself a #GNU Evangelist. Learning about what #FreeSoftware was, including GNU/Linux, opened my eyes to so many things: governments aren't the only ones stealing individual rights, I know so much less about computers than I thought I did, the idea of code, I can make a difference without having to know anyone particular.I'm employed as contract Engineer in the Metal industry. My workplace is not yet unionized, but I'm hoping to fix that. #Union member of the #IWW IU440. I don't have an engineering degree. After discovering Free Software I took my political scientist butt and found a call center job that paid for me to go to Community College to study Software Engineering, where I learned that I liked the idea of coding a lot more than I liked coding. The blessings of God put some great opportunities in my lap at just the right time.I'm a #Libertarian and ha