Sometimes i'm like "are you good #aoderelay ? 3000% cpu usage?" but limiting it basicly just cripples it. I'll just let it have zoomies every now and then I guess.
Not going to lie when the support staff wrote me made up terms for the offer, I was kinda angry at them. The offer has no hooks or "new members only" or "not useable when previously had a trial", in fact it stated that if I had a previous trial activated it would simply overwrite it. And no "paid accounts after 2019 are exempt" stuff. Really weird that they wrote fabricated terms to me. #google#one#offer#chromeos
After I've uploaded a screenshare of my experience of being unable to redeem the 1 year google one offer, we are at the point where I'm asked to upload an invoice for the device and my activation date, the second time in the support ticket #chromeos#offer#thriller
Crap I forgot to tell Hetzner to open outgoing mail ports and they are out of office until Monday, now registration mails will be held back for 2 days, ill manually confirm accounts meanwhile.
@avradi oh nein, das fühl ich mit Bluetooth 🥺, ich lass meine Uhr auch Nachts an, weil sie mir angeblich pi mal Daumen sagen kann wann ich am abnippeln bin und ob ich Schlafapnoe Anzeichen habe, vielleicht 🙆🏻♂️.
I like how im at the 10th Mail of attempting to redeem my Google one year sub. Now they start telling me about terms of the trial that are clearly not listed in the offers terms. Like the classic "gotta be a new user" crap. That's clearly not stated in the terms. Wtf. Ill get my damn promised 1 year even if it takes 20 Mails.
I'll be switching from h2o back to nginx later the day, I've run into some issues with h2o having issues with reverse proxy and crashing under specific cirumstances.
Altruistic, liberal FOSS lover, Tor/Ygg/I2P advocate, LGBTQIA+ allyWell versed linux admin which also hosts this here and the relayMr. Nutz Progamer