@EvolLove@ChristiJunior@disclosetv@coolboymew I actually think she'll make a good DNI, because of this. She wants PATRIOT done away with. She probably would like to see most of FISA ended. So this is why.
@ILoveAmericaNews Everyone keeps saying that, but it isn't true. Let's get the facts straight before we keep saying before 2020, we never did it this way. Well, we actually did it this way once before.
@fuat2mb I've already done that, will do some more. Just wondering if I should call the office and ask them to address it some way, or perhapse get the housing authority involved.
What's up everyone? OK question, when your apartment maintanence man takes everything you say as well... basically hearsay or incorrect, what do you do? He really doesn't believe me, and he asked questions this time, so now I know it's because of my blindness. I have heater vents that need to be cleaned out like on the inside that my caregiver can't get to. I also have walls that are cracking around the vents because of non-serviced heaters. I have a fridge that has been leaking since August, and they think it's my fault because I spill the water pitcher I use to try and keep up with my diabetes insipidus while filling it. 19 times out of 20 that thing never gets spilt, even though it gets filled all the way. If it does, it's very small amount, and usually on the floor next to the fridge, not inside it like the fridge is leaking, or in this case flooding the carpet. I think I just have to tell them that his questions are ridiculous. I had to have my caregiver who's an absolute follow-through person and fights for her clients, call them because it's gotten to a point where they won't take me seriously!