@skinnylatte typo3 is a guppy, or rather lots of them. Many cute and round fishes = convenient templates for most of the things you'd like to do but if you wanna attack = really get to work they vanish into something stingy so it's unaccessible for you.
EDIT: Die Grafik erläutert generell den Einsatz von Wasserstoff mit [fast] allen konkurrierenden Einsatzgebieten - und da ist Individualverkehr eben einfach mal in Klasse G einzuordnen, unabhängig, ob bzgl. Wasserstoff-"Direktantrieb", bei der E-Fuel-Produktion ODER für die Herstellung von HVO100, das in diesem Paper nicht explizit behandelt wurde.
Large towels hang beneath smaller items so that the air can "browse through", I always alternate long/big items left and then right big/long items, and on the sides I tend to hang light weight items [from heavier to lightest] to not overburden the poor laundry rack 🤭
"[.] was so uncomfortable discussing her saddle issues that she poured herself a drink to get through it. [.] When I started reporting this story, I too felt awkward discussing the topic [. and] we would talk in coded language. Then I decided to start [.] with a quick review of terms, and discussions became more comfortable and informative. [.] Despite having the option to use pseudonyms, [everyone] wanted their names on record [. to] further normalize this conversation." https://www.bicycling.com/health-nutrition/a60412469/cycling-saddle-pain-women-surgery
@clacke one of various reasons for the fact that I did configure [very, very, very long ago] a delay of one minute after hitting "send email" in my office mail account! 😁
@JonathanMosen this is great stuff, I especially thought about this snippet:
"Some think Braille is no longer necessary because blind people have talking books and talking computers now. This view is wrong and harmful. To people who say these things, I say we'll give up Braille when sighted people stop reading print and use audio exclusively too."
Braille and also print both allow for a VERY flexible reading velocity based on your capacity to understand the respective words!
[she/her/dontcare]Born at 340 ppm, living in #Hannover, Demokratin. Secretly hopes to be a research witch, earns All The Grades, diverges a lot. Natur, Struktur, Bücher, Psychologie - and everything else, too. Lieblingsfarbe schon immer bunt, Lieblingssymbol seit dem Mathestudium unendlich [haha, The Irony!]; #AuDHD [*2023]. Hobbies Lesen-Lesen-Lesen. - Did I mention I do like to read lots?!"Nicht jeder Tag ist gleich!!1"Beware: Ich bin flexibel, aber nicht spontan.