Notices by SassHole (
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SassHole ('s status on Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 04:13:47 JST SassHole
@Omega_Variant @Sui @kf01 @diceynes @Doll @SchizoCynic @KitlerIs6 Hi this is Hussy ( omega this is not directed at you I just picked a rando to respond to). Read it or not...believe it or not...I don't fucking care. I don't save receipts on ppl. That doesn't foster trust. That's kike behavior. I was alerted to this campaign in the er with my father. I am running on 2 hrs sleep so my English may be broken.
I am truly honestly 1 billion percent leaving fedi for good. I will not be coming back. I won't be checking on this thread anymore. Nef was my last person connecting me here. He and I said our goodbyes yesterday. You all out here may be surprised to hear this but Nef and I after all that shit were still friends. I was mad at him but I love him and wish him every best as my FRIEND.
I never like drama on the timeline. I believe problems should be solved 1v1. Not with eyes, simps or
outside opinions. Those who know me know I don't like including ppl in drama. This is why when Sui came asking for my side of the Nef drama in Dm's, I was cold to him. I realize that would effect what Sui believed as I had heard from Nef he had already told Doll every sob story possible in dm's. I still, as mad as I was never going to talk bad about him in dm's. I would never give up personal information. I did that as his friend but I did this for you all to protect you. I didn't screenshot or save rl pictures. I wanted to be trusted not be a kike. I wanted ppl to know when they told me something I wasn't going to tell everyone.
I have broken off all connections to this place. Since I am leaving I guess there is no reason to care....prepare to ignore tl;dr... -
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SassHole ('s status on Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 04:13:46 JST SassHole
@Omega_Variant @Sui @kf01 @diceynes @Doll @SchizoCynic @KitlerIs6 About a year ago I was friends with a girl named Marine and Ew and Kacho. Marine asked me one day if I took any men on here seriously. I said no. She asked me to try with Kacho because he liked me. I didn't take him seriously because Ew had told me he goes after everyone Ew is involved with and it seemed like he was after bot.
I liked Marine a lot. Privately she was kind and sweet so... I watched one movie with him...between that and private conversations, I knew we were not compatible. In reality he didn't like me, he only liked the idea of me. He wanted to change me. This has never been a sign to me of affection. When I decide to even befriend you...I accept your faults too.
Before I had the chance to cut it off. I ended up dealing with a double funeral in my family. By the time I got back he was already upset because I had iceed him out for a week during the funeral and not talked to him. I was mostly wanting to grieve without talking about feelings. There was no break up. It was one date. We weren't even together to break up but I will be stupidly apologizing for this for a year.
His friends created a group dm and accidentally included Penguin. Penguin saw how they talked to me and flipped his biscuit. They told me I was grieving wrong. Called me a bad person for befriending Nazi's and geez all kinda of shit. I was told basically if I apologized and stopped talking to ncd I would be accepted back. Ew was included in this but I do not include him in my unrest as when I asked him to leave me alone...he honored it. Kacho made me aware he and Kacho would laugh about any problems I had to each other. I get it. I don't need everyone to like me. Ew didn't play around with block evading. I appreciated that..still do. I hate drama shit. I just avoid ppl I don't like or who don't like me.
I was still friends with Marine after as I believe in judging ppl as individuals..hive mind is gay. One night she got in a fight with Penguin, Hump and Xeno. They all blocked her.
I wasn't there but I know Hump...he doesn't get upset easy. I knew she had done something. Their group Kacho...Ew got upset that I wasn't defending her or stopping Penguin. But I told her in timeline. Something had happened. I said she needed to be the strong person I knew and talk to the people she had upset. Me babying her wouldn't help. When I fuck up, I apologize.
Kacho proceeded to terrorize me in dm's about her...ncd and shit.. until I exploded saying she was a big girl and if she fucked up its her job to fix it not mine.
He kindly snipped the dm...saying the same shit I had already told her although more harshly and made her believe I was talking shit in dm's.
I kept out of it...and kept quiet so ppl didn't put shit on the timeline and so they wouldn't have reason to attack me.
I made an alt on chudbuds to be left alone for a bit. Ppl exhaust me. I really just love memes. I wanted to post into the void and giggle at shit. Penguin thinking he was funny, highlighted it was me. This started a 3+ day span of Kacho running me over the coals again about being friends with ncd and how I shouldn't talk to ncd anymore ( he was blocked on my main account). The only person that knew about this stuff was Penguin as he was there for it, I opened up to him. -
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SassHole ('s status on Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 04:13:45 JST SassHole
@Omega_Variant @Sui @kf01 @diceynes @Doll @SchizoCynic @KitlerIs6 I again talked to a mod. So I decided my own server might be the only way. Kacho started making accounts. Platinum was in charge of defederating. He checked for Kacho accounts every morning so I wouldn't see because my dumbass still thought reasoning would work.
Fast forward right before I left. Kacho threatened to make everyday a living nightmare until I left fedi. I was defiant but NCD made me feel like it was hopeless. I thought they were my friends so...there was no point. I left.
2 weeks in. After a full week of bedrest...I was pissed. I got on. Spammed nef and Kacho with suicide kermit the frog. This started both basically seeing it as cute and not the mean thing I had intend. Nef and I made up. Kacho and I talked because I don't like threats. That pissed me off. Eventually we agreed at his request to forget the past and attempt to be friends. I specified "just friends correct?" He said yes.
We were never together. I directly flipping specified just friends.
He asked to come on my server. I asked friends. I wasn't sure if I should as a gesture of friendship but I really didn't want ppl on my server and if I was going to open my doors it would be first Dicer, then Aryan and alabasterbrick. Not for relationships. I trusted them. They were kind. I said no to kacho. I felt it would project the wrong had before...and make me a target. He was upset. A year ago ppl used to pick my nail my pfp. I stopped talking to kacho after he asked last year and never gotten it. As a gesture he asked me to paint them blue...because my nails are done every 3 weeks I painted them the color he asked. I don't give a fraggle rock. Apparently this is now proof that we were in a relationship.
The most insulting shit is ppl would think he and I could be in a relationship. I only tried to be friends cuz I was fucking tired. It had been a fucking year. I didn't want to be told how shit of a human being he thought I was for the rest of eternity.
He started shit on the first day of my vacation. The day after a family emergency. I cried my whole plane ride to my friends... and the sane fucking day my slipped on a washed out trail. Sprained my wrist, got cut up and nearly fell in into the gosh damn Grand Canyon. Then my friend Jeanette got a call her dumbass husband...only being alone 24 hrs cut off his finger. Only about one inch but it still had to be reattached.
So when he started shit...I realized it had been one year exactly. One year since shit started with that group.
I reflected on everything and blew shit up. I stayed on my debate alt to share trip pics to my exercise group for my trip.
Then another person...started shit after talking to Kacho.
I was fucking done so I decided to leave for good.
I didn't start shit. I didn't tell anyone outside of Neetz who is daring Marine. In all honesty I think he is just trying to help his girlfriend. I am not after Marine. I never came at her. I don't do that shit. I just fucking left. I didn't tell anyone to start shit in my honor. I just fucking left.
Ppl keep telling me. I don't care. You all win. I am fucking gone. My dad broke his back last night. I DO NOT fucking need fedi melodrama. I got my own shit. Forget I existed. Make me into the fedi boogeyman. I don't care. -
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SassHole ('s status on Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 04:13:45 JST SassHole
@Omega_Variant @Sui @kf01 @diceynes @Doll @SchizoCynic @KitlerIs6 I exploded on the timeline. I was sick of them repeatedly telling me who I am allowed to talk to and what I am allowed to say. A young lady that thought she was dating Kacho..was often attacking me for vague posting about it so I stopped even that. I will include my vague posts.
My dumbass thought it would end eventually if I kept my mouth shut.
Fast forward to december. A man that was my friend developed a crush on me. I am not including his name because forgiveness has been accepted on both ends and we don't talk anymore but I respect his privacy. We were not an option. He had someone and I had someone. He didn't accept no at first. He evaded my blocks. I went into ncd chat asking for advice on what I could possibly do to stop it. I didn't know the technical end of it and mentioned no names because if it wasn't possible to get help, what was the point in starting drama? My response from ncd matrix was " don't bring drama into matrix chat." I knew from this I was on my own.
I had learned from 5 ppl that one of their group was "warning ppl" about me. That's fine. If ppl believe gossip...they are welcome to hit the door. Same with when Sui was warning ppl about me. It never hurt my feelings. It was just exhausting because ppl always felt honor bound to tell me...ngl it hurt my feeling a bit. I possibly foolishly believe I am nice or try to be nice.
Then my sickness got worst in January. I was dealing with things I had never dealt with before.. depression...exhaustion...pain for months. I overreacted to a sexual post from nef. I asked him to dial back the sexual talk toward me on timeline. He wasn't used to this from me. Tbh the sexual stuff just makes threads awkward and I wanted giggles. He thought I was being told by platinum what to say.
Platinum knew I wasn't acting normal. Overtop the sickness, my dad had just had brain surgery, I had gotten a bad concussion. I couldn't even type for a few weeks or talk without stuttering. Plat tried to tell nef to take it easy on me for a few days because of the concussion..but knew I didn't like private info sent so didn't tell nef why. They butted heads like men do when they are both dominate and stubborn.
This started a fight with nef. I wanted him to talk in private but nef is nef. He doesn't trust ppl...with cause and thought he knew everything.
I got involved when I thought nef had gone too far with the wife thing.
NCD dogpiled instead of telling 2 grown ass men, who were friends, to apologize to each other.
Kacho and according to Kacho, Ew were rejoicing in ncd dogpiling me. Saw this as proof that I was all the awful things they said.
This started Kacho coming at me again and my dumbass apologizing for a year ago not talking to him for ONE fucking week again. -
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SassHole ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 14:00:27 JST SassHole
@Humpleupagus I remember playing this one my dad's pc as a kid. 😂 -
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SassHole ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 13:51:32 JST SassHole
@bot I bought the pride skittles.
They are no longer white. They are now grey.
I was very disappointed. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 22:34:24 JST SassHole
@honky @Bloomfer @spiegelmama I think that's a woman. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 22:34:22 JST SassHole
@Bloomfer @honky @spiegelmama I don't actually think she's a train. She just lives in LA. She has boxes to check to pretend she gives a shit about anyone but herself.
She's probably just transitioning her child to fit in. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 22:34:21 JST SassHole
@honky @Bloomfer @spiegelmama Ppl #onhere often call me one. I assume it's how fedi ppl show affection. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 11:14:39 JST SassHole
@bot It's a Spanish thing. The taco ppl adopted it much like their surnames by interbreeding with white folk. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:15:08 JST SassHole
@Tony @shitpisscum @pyrate @Twoinchdestroya @bot @jeffcliff Poast specifically has that turned off. Here too. It just bugs stuff out.
The only bypass is different account or incognito. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:51:24 JST SassHole
@dave @Piss_Ant @realcaseyrollins I blame the public school system. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 04:43:22 JST SassHole
Block evasion is the one aspect of fedi that is the most exhausting. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 02:07:06 JST SassHole
@AlabasterBrick @Twoinchdestroya It's already happening. They aren't able to adjust fast enough for the real inflation.
It's bad. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 02:01:05 JST SassHole
@Twoinchdestroya @AlabasterBrick Some insurance companies are suspending all new business effective next week. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 01:56:52 JST SassHole
@AlabasterBrick This stuff I am seeing is on another level. -
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SassHole ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 01:53:17 JST SassHole
This is going to be much worse than 2008. -
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SassHole ('s status on Friday, 09-Jun-2023 14:24:23 JST SassHole
@Tony @pyrate @jeffcliff Sadly hear this a lot. I didn't get it...I had a friend get it early in the medical round. There was a complication. All I remember was cleaning blood. It freaked me out before it was even an option. -
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SassHole ('s status on Friday, 09-Jun-2023 14:15:30 JST SassHole
@Tony @jeffcliff @pyrate I got excavated from Lake Tahoe hiking trails for smoke during covid. They walked in and pulled us out of the trails. Then from the town for fires.
So we tried to evacuate back to the California coast...but to go from east to west of Cali for a good chunk of the State, you have to go through National Parks but it was during covid. There was a 48hr waiting period for park passes...they wouldn't let us evacuate through the park without a pass. 😑
So we were stuck in Mammoth, that was on fire and under evacuation threat...for 48 hrs...with the hotel warning they we would be evacuated at anytime.
We final were able to evacuate but we had to drive through active fires to get through. -
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SassHole ('s status on Friday, 09-Jun-2023 14:15:29 JST SassHole
@jeffcliff @Tony @pyrate >During "Covid restrictions" as they are lifted now.
I don't disagree with that statement but the damage has already been my body at least.
You should hear the batshit stuff I went through to start getting better. Doctors...test...a surgery. I read darn near every study.
I cracked open medical manuals from the 1800's to finally start getting my life back.
Oh well. C'est la vie.