I wonder if a non-profit search engine is possible. I can’t believe Google is willing to burn down their brand like this. Also, an opening for curated information services like Wikipedia and Encylopedia Brittanica.
I was initially skeptical of Wikipedia and I feel a little bad about the article I contributed about hummingbirds hitching rides on the backs of geese (it didn’t last long) but Wikipedia has proven very reliable for what I need.
We’ve been running this way for 14 years. It’s a different kind of stress (keeping business going, paying rent) but with freedom to make a contribution the way we see fit. Running a business gives you a different, more humble perspective. I’m impressed with the hot dog stand on the corner that’s there year after year more than some of the SV startups I’ve seen.
conservation is a good and necessary idea. We’ll still need lithium to meet green energy goals. Each of the circle irrigation systems in this photo of Thacker pass is about half a mile wide. The proposed mine would be 10x10 of those circles in size. It’s the largest lithium deposit in the US. Could supply 25% of world’s Lithium needs for green energy.
Licensed since 1967. Boise, Idaho, USA. Doing a lot of wireless IoT professionally (mainly BLE). Working on getting back on the air, with a magnetic loop this time. Like SWL'ing and CW. Time Magazine Person of the Year, 2006Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy book:https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/getting-started-with/9781491900550/https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertdavidson