I just want to take a moment to give a shout out to many great admins working hard to keep this stuff going. I've chatted, collaborated, bugged, annoyed, shared and enjoyed working with all of y'all.
This isn't a comprehensive list of them by any means, so I apologize if I missed you. Feel free to tag your admin and thank them.
I value your time, patience, and unique qualities y'all bring to the fediverse and your communities.
@stux @Gargron @jorjin@toot.community @renchap @jaz @kainoa @dansup @jerry @ruud @chad @tchambers @wild1145 @than @shlee @rodti @vmstan
@DataDrivenMD @Whiskeyomega @rrgeorge @thisismissem @emilweth @brook @Artifex