@bobbala@AmonMaritza@BattleDwarfGimli@Snidely_Whiplash@WilhelmIII@s2208@Aly@DailyStormerDigest@EdBoatConnoisseur@KingOfWhiteAmerica@Largo@brokenshakles@dogslurp@epictittus The idea makes sense to man, which is why we have it presented to us. The sins we commit are just that — sin. The root question ends up at predestination or not and the way it asks that is whether or not "once saved always saved" is valid, even at extreme examples. Would a baptized believer who, in a fit of rage, kills 5 innocent people be saved? The questions start flowing: was that person actually a Christian, did they believe truly that they were, and did that stop when they chose to kill 5 Innocents? If yes, how about 50 or 500 or 5,000 and is there a number where it stops being "yes" ? The Bibls says we will know them by their fruits, and what if this person was incredibly good to others for every other day in their adult life? Did they choose to reject God through their actions? I tend to think so, but I also think this hypothetical murderer could be redeemed and forgiven. The grace they'd receive would be equally unearned as before their murder spree.
@bobbala@AmonMaritza@BattleDwarfGimli@Snidely_Whiplash@WilhelmIII@s2208@Aly@DailyStormerDigest@EdBoatConnoisseur@KingOfWhiteAmerica@Largo@brokenshakles@dogslurp@epictittus >If you're not saved right now permanently, you're not saved at all. So predestination for you then? >There is nothing lacking on God's part. If you believe that Gospel, that is all you can do. He saves us. I agree. It isn't God's part that fails, but ours. I believe most sins should fall under the venial category anyway; the concept of a mortal sin is that it's choosing a destructive harmful action against God's commandments and functionally saying "I choose to reject what God offers in favor of my own desires". Our God is so mighty and merciful that He still forgives us when we repent, even when we consciously choose so often to do things which hurt us and others and are against His explicit command.
If you're not saved right now permanently, you're not saved at all. He decided and died according to the scriptures, was buried and rose again according to the scriptures. There is nothing lacking on God's part.
If you believe that Gospel, that is all you can do. He saves us.
If you don't believe the Gospel, you're depending on self-righteousness.
Fellowship. Yes. Good works. Do 'em. But they have nothing to do with your salvation. He presents you to the Father. You are His achievement. His Glory. He shed His Blood. He saved us. It's not just another chance to get yourself straightened out.
We are saved to do those good works, not because of those good works.
We're saved when we're born again.
[Jhn 3:3, 6 KJV] 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. ... 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
@bobbala@AmonMaritza@BattleDwarfGimli@Snidely_Whiplash@WilhelmIII@s2208@Aly@DailyStormerDigest@EdBoatConnoisseur@KingOfWhiteAmerica@Largo@brokenshakles@dogslurp@epictittus Are we to assume that the parable of the sower and the seed or the unclean spirit leaving and coming back with buddies are just about earthly troubles? Come now. Matthew 12:43-45 KJV >43When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
[Rom 8:38-39 KJV] 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
His position is even more extreme. He holds that you cannot, even theoretically, lose your salvation by rejecting Christ, blaspheming the Holy Spirit, worshipping Satan or other Pagan gods, or explicitly telling Jesus you don't want or need Salvation. Literally nothing you do can affect it.
@bobbala@AmonMaritza@BattleDwarfGimli@Snidely_Whiplash@WilhelmIII@s2208@Aly@DailyStormerDigest@EdBoatConnoisseur@KingOfWhiteAmerica@Largo@brokenshakles@dogslurp@epictittus And to add to this— while I personally go to confession for a number of reasons, I don't believe God will ignore the confessions and repentance of a man praying alone. I don't believe God has separate tally sheets for our sins and marks them according to venial or mortal or whatever. The whole concept is for man to understand the significance of our actions in a spiritual matter, framed from a divine perspective. It is FAR TOO EASY for us to use our own fallen nature and moral relativism and pride to "justify" our own sins as if they're no big deal (having interacted with you I'm sure you'd agree). God cares about our heart rather than vain words in the end; do we want to follow Him and be His or not? It's not my place to assume anything past that, and I may be overstepping when here.
And "Israel" is a people, and the Covenant Promises tell you exactly who they are. They aren't the so called "jews" and they damned sure aren't negroes.
They are a covenant with the Church. The Church is Israel. Or, more accurately, the Israelites were a prefigurement of the True Israel, Christ's church.
@zeke@AmonMaritza@BattleDwarfGimli@WilhelmIII@bobbala@s2208@Aly@BowsacNoodle@DailyStormerDigest@EdBoatConnoisseur@Largo@brokenshakles@dogslurp@epictittus Oh hey got it; I wasn’t personally aware for whatever reason that @zeke is CI — I’m not, but I agree with @Snidely_Whiplash it’s a rather reasonable interpretation and conclusion of/from Biblical principles. Modern Westerns (and many Orthodox, too) make far too little of the racial/ethnic dimension; which I think is a serious error because it deviates dangerously from Traditional views and norms. Ethnos was always understood as implying shared blood, and the basic importance of preserving pure bloodlines. Given a healthy cultural preservation, occasional ”deviations” from tribal purity wouldn’t pose enough of a problem to cause extinction. Simply frowning on it as an actual deviation goes a long way in preservation. While I don’t go so far as to say that Eve committed literal adultery with the Serpent, I do believe Cain qualifies as “Serpent Seed” in a very real, spiritual sense. Unclean spirits and demons literally do influence and at times possess individuals, which absolutely can influence gene expression. As such, though I don’t subscribe to the literal Dual Seedline, I haven’t had much trouble “working with it”.
Israel is the Kingdom, of which Christ is the King. The ethnic tribal kingdom that God granted to the Hebrews is not His Kingdom. It never was and it couldn't be.
Read your scripture. Just remember: Hebrews are not Israelites are not Judahites, are not Judeans, are not jews. Modern day jews have literally nothing in common with the biblical Kingdom of Israel, except a propensity to demon worship.
@Snidely_Whiplash@AmonMaritza@BattleDwarfGimli@WilhelmIII@bobbala@s2208@zeke@Aly@DailyStormerDigest@EdBoatConnoisseur@KingOfWhiteAmerica@Largo@brokenshakles@dogslurp@epictittus I don't think Bob is retarded. We should be more charitable to our Christian brothers. I know for certain that he and has great faith, which is MORE important than knowing things. I don't agree with some of his ideology as laid out, but it's not heresy to elevate the gift of salvation above any and all other things. It's why I was specific in my explanation of the venial and mortal sin that these are for man (leity to be specific) to try to understand what God asks and not something engraved in stone in heaven. We literally don't have to intellectually understand anything God asks and instead just need to listen and act as He wants. We all fail at this regularly, because we are sinners. All Christians are saved by grace through faith in Christ. Our main disagreement is on whether or not we can consciously choose to reject this gift or not, and disagreement on this doesn't change much provided we do not outright support enemies of Christ.
I would include Russia and the Eastern bloc countries in "Christendom" if they weren't so shot through with Asiatic admixture. I lived in Asia for a couple of years. No way are they like us. Not at all.
And then lets not talk about the half-negroid italians and half-moor spaniards, or the persian mix greeks, giving them quinine causes the same bad reaction as giving africans quinine.
Btw have you seen the Brits lately? Or their colonies? They all smell like curry, and Amerinoids are mutted to fuck 5ft tall creaturas.
Or maybe its jewish to do this divide & conquer shit.
That's what the verse about blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is all about. The Holy Ghost enters into you at Baptism or Confirmation (which is debatable). You can't deny it while staying a Christian.
If you believe that CHRIST DIED for our sins according to the scriptures; And that HE WAS BURIED, and that HE ROSE again the third day according to the scriptures you are saved.
If you don't you are not. There is no place for faith in yourself.
I know me. I'm a sinner saved by Grace. I don't have any righteousness of my own.
If you believe that CHRIST DIED for our sins according to the scriptures; And that HE WAS BURIED, and that HE ROSE again the third day according to the scriptures you are saved.
Ok what if you believe all that with all your heart at one point, but LATER in the TIMELINE, reject Christ and the Holy Spirit, and engage in nonstop unrepentant sinning? Are you saved AFTER the rejection, or can "nothing" separate you from Christ as you said, not even your actions as you said.
By the way, people have been asking ^^^^^^ this fucking question 20-30 times and you keep deflecting.
@bobbala@AmonMaritza@BattleDwarfGimli@Snidely_Whiplash@WilhelmIII@s2208@Aly@DailyStormerDigest@EdBoatConnoisseur@KingOfWhiteAmerica@Largo@brokenshakles@dogslurp@epictittus You're missing the myriad of Christ's teachings that effectively say "this is not easy even though it's simple through God" in a number of ways. I can't rehash this point any further and you have shown little interest in addressing anything I say that contradicts this DESPITE my agreement than man CANNOT earn salvation. >narrow path >many called, chosen few >sheep and goats >wheat and tares >sowing and different soil types I can't even make a metaphor for this because it's impossible to equate to any other thing in existence. A priceless gift to me that I should cherish, but I have the option to not should I become foolish beyond measure.
[Mat 7:22-23 KJV] 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED in thy name? and in thy name HAVE CAST out devils? and in thy name DONE MANY WONDERFUL WORKS? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
[1Co 15:3-4 KJV] 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Salvation is the start of your race. If you are not saved, you haven't left the blocks. Everything thing you do is as filthy rags.
[Isa 64:6 NKJV] 6 But we are all like an unclean [thing], And all OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSES [are] like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away.
Nothing you do righteous or unrighteous has anything to do with salvation. You're faith in Christ is solely your salvation.
With faith, you can finally start doing 1 good work. Run your race. But rest in Christ.
[Heb 4:3 KJV] 3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the WORKS WERE FINISHED FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.
"And then lets not talk about the half-negroid italians and half-moor spaniards, or the persian mix greeks."
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
"Amerinoids are mutted to fuck 5ft tall creatures."
Such nonsense. Most people who say such things have never even set foot in North America. They get everything they think they know about it from movies and TV shows and retarded TikTok vids. Genetic studies prove that 95% of Americans are White only. Imagine that? We're actually Whiter than half the Euroids who call us mutts. Lol.
I know that the currently touted official figure of around 70% White is a lie, but 30-40% is a bit low-ball, although it certainly looks that way in the Southwest. I think around 55-60% is about right, but dropping fast.
That's one factor that should tip people off about their goal of replacement. If they needed more labor, etc., they could incentivize marriage and procreation by the natives, but instead, they do everything they can to destroy both while importing other people.
What we care about are EUROPEAN Americans. As of 2017, European Americans are 133 million. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Americans I don't think its grown much since then, lets say 135 million even for 2024.
Leftist estimate of illegals is 12 million https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_immigration_to_the_United_States But they dont count arrested or asylum claimants, since theyre "in the system" and thus not illegal. And they dont count the uncaught or minors. I estimate its over 50 million, but lets go with 12 for now.
Thirty eight percent, with a best case leftist illegal estimate. A more reasonable estimate of illegals drops it to low 30s.
We are in deep shit and we wont get out if people dont know about it.
If you say "in a hypothetical world where returning to europe would let whites flourish and survive for all time" I would of course say yes if I want to engage in that hypothetical.
But we might as well ask a hypothetical - "What if I shit a dog?" Well, it would bark.
Question has a false inbuilt premise. Whites survive by going forth, conquering, and inventing our way out of quagmires, overcoming problems. Not by hiding or retreating or escaping.... lets say we went back to Europe, which doesnt have enough farmland to feed 1/3 of its population or oil at all. How long would we last before being wiped out by muslims who HAVE oil, or anyone else?
He is pure white and from Missouri. Married a Mexican brown woman. Pumped out kids. Considers himself a hardcore “conservative.” Owns 37 guns. And has wet dreams about Trump.
When I tried talking to him about supporting our own people and creating a future for our children, he told me I was being “racist” and needed to be more respectful of his “mixed race children.“
With friends like these, who needs enemies? Whites are literally killing off their own bloodlines. And celebrating it.