Notices by brokenshakles (
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@matty @Goalkeeper @Owl To be fair, we didn't have the tools in a state they are in today. At best, when we were their age, we had php forums and email, they have half a dozen video distribution systems and every last one of them has a camcorder in the form of a smartphone. There just isn't really any comparison.
I mean, during the Ron Paul heyday, YouTube was still badly constrained by the bandwidth limitations of the time. We also didn't see what was really going on by that point. We had neither the tools nor information to make sensible attacks on what was attacking us.
We did lay the groundwork though, and it's really starting to bear fruit.
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@TrevorGoodchild @Bad_Banner Ah, It's already in my Steam Library, I will have to check on how it stacks up vs other old DnD greats like Dark Sun : Shattered Lands, the first two Baldur's Gates, and Neverwinter Nights.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS It's senseless, it only works *when* you have no large strong neighbors. Russia renders this idea laughable. China already knows how to handle itself, and it has been doing it for the last 5000 years, the last 150 or so non-withstanding.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS It's not really a surprise, the USA and Russia have a history, and I don't mean the cold war.
Russia basically guaranteed the success of the American Revolution when it's monarch (Catherine, I believe) refused to offer mercenary services to the King of England when he asked for it. Since then Russia has used the USA as a counterbalance to any attempt to consolidate power in mainland Europe by it's biggest powers (Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain). This makes it a lot simpler for Russia to deal with ambitious nations near it's borders.
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@grey @graf The center-line on that pistol is fuuuuucked.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @mac_ack Please, we both know a 50% jump in a couple of weeks wouldn't last, it rarely does, and never across an entire sector.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @mac_ack It's electricity, it's not like A.I. is the only use for it. Consider, for instance, desalination, or robotics.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @Eiswald @spectatorindex Immigration is war, so seems appropriate.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @spectatorindex Jew tech-lords hardest hit. L.A. would be in flames if there were anything left to burn.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @spectatorindex Gonna make some tax bank on that Cocaine tariff money.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @professionalbigot69 Clips or it didn't happen.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS Will censor when naming the jew? No? It's fine then.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS No one in the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is jewish!
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@Suiseiseki @IAMAL_PHARIUS "Viable"? It's a series of fatal funnels on a military scale. Sun Tzu advised moving thru such areas quickly, and not getting caught up in them under any circumstances.
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@Humpleupagus @DrFell @Captain80s @EvolLove Since when do you need to deter the dead?
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@sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild My thoughts exactly, this bitches life is 65% over already, how can she share it?
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@Humpleupagus @CliffSecord @LivingSpaceStudios @fatepony @qwerty Yes, but that is mostly an artifact of that "hard cases make bad law", video games at the time were new, and courts rarely handle the new sensibly.
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@Humpleupagus @CliffSecord @LivingSpaceStudios @fatepony @qwerty Universal Studios had a video game studio wing at the time of the lawsuit, and had for a decade. If they had produced a King Kong game prior to Nintendo's publishing of Donkey Kong, they would have likely won the case.
This is an instance of "First in time, first in Right", unfortunately.
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@Humpleupagus @CliffSecord @LivingSpaceStudios @fatepony @qwerty They won that suit on 2 facts : That video games and movies were dissimilar markets, so there was no chance of product confusion within either market, and on the basis that Donkey Kong was dissimilar enough in both name and appearance that no reasonable person could be expected to confuse them.
In this case, Palworld and Pokemon occupy the same market segment, so it fails the first test.
When I first saw Palworld, I genuinely though it was a new Pokemon game, so it fails the second test.
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@CliffSecord @LivingSpaceStudios @fatepony @qwerty Exactly, and Autodesk has a far better argument for patent infringement vs FreeCad than Nintendo does vs Palworld.
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