@LaF0rge Das ist unfair! 1995 gab es nur Email, und IRC! Und NNTP, aber das verstarb am Spam. Die IM-Startups von 1996 sind inzwischen durch mehrere Besitzer in die Insolvenz gegangen. Die Startups von heute können erst recht keine 30 Jahre alt sein, und werden in 30 Jahren lang vergessen sein. #xmpp gibt's erst seit 1999, und es bleibt genau so (un)tot wie IRC. #matrix zerlegt sich grade selbst, und #activitypub könnte sich durchsetzen, wird nach der Apokalypse aber zu teuer zu betreiben @johl
@jwildeboer @jarjan www.iomm.net is a CNAME redirect to domains.smugmug.com. For obscure historical reasons, you are not allowed to set a CNAME redirect on the domain itself, so this trick doesn't work for iomm.net. Instead, you need to either configure a web redirect to www.iomm.net, or copy the three IP address ("A") records from domains.smugmug.com to iomm.net (and periodically check if the provider changed the servers!)
I took this photo on this day one year ago, in a dry riverbed in the #Valencia region of Spain. Yesterday, the region has been hit by devastating floods that leave me speechless. The #ClimateCrisis is now.
@accudio I'm sharing your frustration, I really miss Twidere but still use @apps for its per account timelines and easy cross sharing/bookmarking. I've seen three causes for the timeline jumps: a) it loads a batch of posts in the background and jumps by 40 posts, roughly; b) it is OOM killed in the background and doesn't store position, starting where you were before; c) it confuses the post you were reading with your or somebody else's boost of it, much later in the timeline @noodlejetski
How can I radically deduplicate my timeline, using @apps? #FediHelp
I enabled "group boosts" (in app and on server), but it's not enough.
I don't want to see... ?...boosts of posts/boosts that were in my timeline ?...my own boosts of posts/boosts from my timeline ?...re-boosts by the original author to get more engagement ?...posts that I've seen with any other account in the app
I'm reading my timeline and I only ever want to see a post once. Repeating after a few weeks is tolerable.
cyber doctor (but not that kind of doctor), hobby photographer, owner/admin of cursed hardware, FOSS project janitor (@yaxim, @aprsdroid), #y2k38 consultant w/ 20+yrs experience, fedi for life (#xmpp)Living in #Neuland