In case anyone wants to suggest what specific sub-topic within my areas of expertise they would want me to talk about at @easterhegg2025 - please do let me know. It's always hard for me to estimate popular interest.... #easterhegg#followerpower
@arby@eliasp die werden trotzdem nicht "from scratch" entwickelt, sondern nehmen ein existierendes uhrenmodul/chip/Design. Und das hat halt kein dcf77 support...
@eliasp@arby ich denke das Problem ist, dass DCF77 ein deutscher nationaler Alleingang ist, und demnach die sicher vorwiegend Chinesischen und für den globalen Markt entwickelnden Firmen keine Kenntnis oder kein kommerzielles Interesse haben, da eine Extrawurst zu bauen...
@f4grx it's just solder/tin on the copper traces before applying solder mask. I rarely saw old PCB that don't have this. Not sure exactly why, maybe to prevent oxidization of the copper? I've seen some rumors that occasionally it was also used to increase current carrying capacity of some power electronics traces, but I'm not sure I'm buying that.
@hrw sadly no magic hint on how to avoid getting sick at #fosdem like many attendees have ben every year even before covid ;) I'm considering to mask up his time, let's see if I can manage it two full days.
@23n27 this actually differs from project to project. The multi color printed natural aluminium colored face plate were likely from panel-pool. Plain natural colored aluminum ones likely laserteil24, and black anodized ones com from one of 3 suppliers and then go to Fischer Oberflächentechnik for anodizing... Haven't really found a one stop place yet. We plan to put many of the osmocom bgt modules up for sale in the @sysmocom webshop soon [TM].
@1000millimeter@Golemde sag bescheid wenn Du mal in Berlin bist. Es ist aber das allermeiste in Kisten oder Regalen, und steht nicht betriebsbereit angeschlossen herum. Oder in der Garage, dem Dachboden oder teils sogar Garagendachboden.
@manawyrm@n0emis@benjojo you could probably also do softmodem over audio over TOSLINK ;) yate can talk to also devices, so there should be a way ... - I know, it has no useful application, other than layering technologies in a way they were never used before. Sadly T1 is 1.544 Mbps otherwise it would also be cool to do T1 over TOSLINK...
@mbirth@adorfer@c3isdn schonmal einfach beim ITU-T secretariat angefragt? Solche Behörden haben meist noch Mitarbeiter, doe sich um Dingr kümmern können.
@larsmb Damit eine VG die Genehmigung vom DPMA bekommt muesste man allerdings einen realistischen Plan vorlegen, wie man die Verteilung der Einnahmen an die Urheber realisiert.
Osmocom founder. Mobile Communication expert. Former Linux kernel hacker, freedom fighter. Nerd. #retronetworking. Mensch mit Kommandozeilenhintergrund. searchable via tootfinder. CEO of @sysmocom