@thomasfuchs I was a registered Libertarian at 19 (I wanted queer and abortion rights, but also gun rights, which my dad had convinced me should be sacred.) Fixed that pretty quickly, but still.
I've also had to unlearn a lot of casual bigoted language, especially ableist language, and had to learn to shut up when other marginalized people needed to take the lead.
My heart is usually in the right place, but I have gaps in knowledge and understanding. I'm always ready to fill those in.
@HistoPol@SuiXi3D FWIW, we're looking at moving to a swing district within our blue state. We're in too much personal danger to risk moving to a red or purple state, but we still want to try to improve our chances at the House.
And on a slightly-morbid angle: At least NV has two fewer GOP votes now, thanks to my parents: Dad died in 2021 (unvaxed COVID) and mom moved to OR after, and her vote won't mean much where she is.
@HistoPol@GottaLaff I understand the "let them secede" impulse, but it's important to think about the millions of kids--especially queer ones--and poor people who would be trapped there under a brutal regime with no way out. I grew up queer in a state that was very red at the time. It's hell. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
@mnemonicoverload@danwentzel Depends on how you're defining "disabled." Official definitions tend to stick to the very narrow parameters set for qualifying for accommodations, but that excludes millions. And even if that number is accurate, the 40% still should be considered. Increasing density, transit and walking/biking options shouldn't mean making urban areas completely hostile to cars and people who aren't safe in high rises.
@danwentzel Honestly, I just wish all these urban Utopia planners would remember that disabled people exist, and that not all disabilities involve wheelchairs or qualify for accommodations such as parking permits. Forcing people to live/work in high rise buildings (in which we die if evacuations are needed) and rely on transit excludes a *lot* of people from those "walkable" cities. If I can't have a car and the closest bus stop is five blocks away, I'm housebound.
Raging Democrat, pop-culture geek, Gen Xer, author of SFF novels, amateur graphics dinkerer, spoonie, parent, occasional classical singer. Queer/enby (flexible pronouns.) I swear a lot.ID for banner pic: HER in the Harris campaign logo font, with a pride-flag fill.ID for profile pic: The colors of the progress pride flag in the shape of the state of Washington.