@starwall COOL! I now have $1297! Oh, wait... no I don't. I had way more than that and it all got dumped into a toilet by a mutual fund! What was even the point? lol if I'd put that amount into a cd for 15 years, and pulled it out when I really needed..
I would have had... not much more... and it would have lasted 6 months maybe oh yah!
@y3mz@admin Firefox. and I've never cared for it, always used Opera, but I cannot install O on this setup as it is atm... setup being antiX on a USB stick, plugged into an old af HP laptop
@big_louse@fu The Dems have the resources to do the same, yet they never do. All they do is use the obvious ghoulishness of the GOP to fund raise and then do "just enough" to keep themselves relevant. They could DESTROY the GOP. It's all corrupt, all the way down.
@fu I think bc I used to do all the housework and cooking and she decided she shouldn't give me any way to get out of that situation IDK. She's not easy to communicate nor reason with. Moved us yet again, this time deep in suburbia nothing here
Looking through recipes and such for ideas to use the bag of "Tortilla flour" in the pantry, and of course I get totally distracted by the perennial scones vs biscuits vs. cookies clusterfuck, when I find this gem...
"The Origin Of The Scone Is Lost In The Mists Of The British Isles"
Things I need (to break out of this prison my sister has me in)... a bank acct a reliable and fairly updated computer a nice comfy headset (I'm thinkin' of strimin') a few nice and willing local folks to "be there" for me a "throw-away" phone, that I can use to confirm ID on certain websites (I refuse to be fully tied to a mobile device)
Since I cannot find a browser that works with Mastodon fully, I'll just be reposting this:
Things I need (to break out of this prison my sister has me in)... a bank acct a reliable and fairly updated computer a nice comfy headset (I'm thinkin' of strimin') a few nice and willing local folks to "be there" for me a "throw-away" phone, that I can use to confirm ID on certain websites (I refuse to be fully tied to a mobile device)
GenX #autistic farmer, w/no farm, a #baker w/no bakery, a #homesteader w/no "home", and am here from a full life of "WTF? How can any of this be ffr?" Currently stuck in a small room, in a shitty suburb near Houston, TXLeftist.We ARE "The People", and we CAN take back OUR world from the ghouls and psychopaths who keep us in chains...******Banner: A "Capitalism Isn't Working" banner from Occupy, maybePFP: A sick and dying bald eagle, looking like it's on drugs, symbolic of the "USA"