@kaia it is highly improbable, even assuming the guy is is a compulsive sex addict, likely many kids who rumoured or alleged to be his children if a women ever had sex with him, since he basically had dibs on every women in the empire
they are both excellent libraries, as is MIA, it is a tricky situation for sure, and we should assume *any* public web host is going to be monitored by the police
and i didn't mean to be sectarian, diversity is good, nothing against green anarchism as such, but i do oppose the publishing of reactionary materials in an anarchist library which is why these alternatives were set up https://www.anarchistlibraries.net/libraries
with libcom, at first it was with a member of the journal, but what's telling is all of the admins of the site came out defending Drury, that this is "just his day job", when it increasingly was revealed that his day job is being a leading counter insurgency theorist and police consultant. This became a big deal around 2013-14 and was a drop off of membership activity after that, the place was dead for some years before they did the site makeover, i think around 2018, which scrubbed many of the posts about this
Anyway, i'm not telling you what to do, books are books, i am less sure about Anarchy Planet, their messy politics is likely just a reflection of North Americas confused anarchist scene, but i was convinced 10 years ago libcom is a honeypot and nothing has changed apparently ( tho i still use their library pretty frequently lol
Sadly much of the anarchist online space is dominated by very very shady entities, i'm sure you know about libcom, aufenbaub-gate and John Drury: basically the people running libcom moonlight as police crowd control theorists lmao, big "compatible / non communist left" vibes
I find Anarchy Planet who runs the anarchist lib, anarchist news , little black cop ^ i mean cart, and other outlets very shady --- they still publish attassa ( a publication that glorifies liberatory sexual violence ) and host the writings of ATS, who claim to have murdered trans women -- and browse the front page of any of their sites all they're talking about is boomer shit like Zerzen and Bob Black
I'm sure there are decent people involved in both projects, but i think they're both fundamentally compromised and they neatly cover the whole spectrum using complementary strategies: libcom promoting a do nothing left-communism under the guise of "red" anarchism, while Anarchy Planet promotes this "green" eco-extremist noise too often indistinguishable from eco-fascism
how i miss indymedia, notice the cops went after them and no-state dot net ( raided their servers ) but libcom hosts pdf of copywritten books in the UK and no action taken, curious
@lizzy yes, when the unpaid volunteer on a website operated at the owners expense deleted my poorly worded incendiary post out of vague fears it would generate controversy for the instance, that's the same as being terrorized / kidnapped / murdered by armed agents of the state
oh, i always wanted to know zizeks thoughts on anarchism, since he often touches on anarchist themes but like most marxists just ignores what anarchists have to say on the subject
over my bird flu i've watched the majority of this channels videos, and they are Very Good well researched histories of the CIA and US foreign Policy, well researched, loaded with archival footage, careful to deal with controversies and uncertainties
He does make hints at JFK conspiracism, it's like he's building up to his "The CIA killed Kennedy" vid but everything I've seen has just been plain old history of the CIA dealing drugs and slaughtering civilians
Personally I'm not terribly worried about Ukraine, because the EU are sitting on trillions of dollars that they continue to loot from the global south and advanced weapons system they use to defend their Neo-colonial assets.
Which is kinda the thing, NAFOists are so full of shit, they want to act like this is some epic struggle to defend European democratic traditions that never fucking existed, that this is a just war like WWII, but EU politicians don't actually want to spend the money necessarily to win the war because this is politically risky and would require major overall of the economic system, or cut off Russian oil and Gas which is clearly financing Russia's war effort -- around $140 billion a year apparently -- it's absolutely fucking bonkers, imagine if the UK were buying Nazi oil during battle of britain LMAO. But of course nationalizing essential sectors of the economy, imposing a rapid transition to green energy is not an option politically to these same complacent neoliberal technocrats who continue to support Israel's genocide in violation of their own laws.
incredible these bourgeois liberals still think they have any moral authority after accelerating a genocide that directly handle trump the whitehouse, they really don't think they did anything wrong, and after inflicting these crimes agaisnt humanity and blackmailing working class people into cosigning their genocide we're all just gonna line up behind them
Wait a minute, who the fuck out you? why are we on the same side again? Why do you think you're safe?
What matters is 1. class consciousness and 2. intersectionality
1. uncompromising and unapologetic in opposition to Class Society: Capitalism / the state / all forms of oppression, racial, sexual etc.
2. uncompromising and unapologetic in support of Black lives, Trans Lives, Immigrant Lives, Palestinian Lives etc. This is fundamental, it doesn't matter if you're an Anarchist or Marxist, if you don't get that basic position you are deeply confused at best.
This "pragmatic" cowardice that refuses to speak up if not tacitly endorsing genocide, mass incarceration, environmental destruction, can't be tolerated, the non-profit industrial complex and it's imperialist neo-liberal faux opposition can not be allowed to retain it's hegemony and should be <s>opposed</s> scandalized wherever it appears, they can keep their regurgitated NYT editorials for their non-profit fundraising banquets, bourgeois liberal sensibilities should at every opportunity be spectacularly demonstrated to be asinine, unreasonable, uncool, self-serving, cowardly, ignorant, offensive and so on, because it is. Bourgeois etiquette, decorum or respectability should be totally disregarded and anyone playing by those old rules should be ridiculed into oblivion
@abolisyonista yeah especially since she seems to be talking about pre US war with Spain like 1890's? She was in NY and Chicago in those years, i mean like maybe, maybe she met a Filipino one time lol as wave of migration to the US happened after 1900