@appassionato for that, you have to speak with the people running your Mastodon instance. If you aren't happy with their rules/decisions, search for a Mastodon instance that is matching your expectations. Mastodon.social is having spam issues, though. So could also be due to a current spam wave or similar things. Probably a smaller instance is better anyway. Use the decentralisation of the fediverse.
I'm sad about the greenwashing of Bitcoin at #38c3. They claim wasting of cheap surplus energy would help with sustainability, while we actually need that energy to store it for other times and creating hydrogen for chemicals and plains. I was in a session yesterday with Andreas from akkudoktor.net who explained that the cheap renewables make storage economically viable. As we need them for reaching 100% renewables we can not waste that electricity for Bitcoin mining. https://events.ccc.de/congress/2024/hub/en/event/decentralize-the-grids-bitcoin-as-a-catalyst-for-s/
@anderspuck@VikingChieftain@meduza_en yes, especially as they do the opposite by digging up oil and gas and therefore destroying God's creation. People with traditional values like environment activists don't like Russia for that reason.
@dalias@karppinen just look at the router at home. It maybe condumes 11,5 W base load and when you download 2 GB over 1 hour it increases to 11,6 W. So if you don't turn it off, the 11,5W are used anyway. The 2 GB caused maybe 0,1 W extra electricity. I don't think that it's much different in internet routers (except them having more throughput). The big factor with Netflix is your screen. A Projector causes more emissions than a TV > computer monitor > laptop > smartphone.
@killyourfm for someone, like me, who doesn't values music much, that sounds like a pretty good deal. I mean 400 plays = 1€ is a good ratio. It's similar on what YouTube pays for views. And producing videos is usually more complicated than producing audio.
@killyourfm Sounds like this comparison has a huge error. Like a shirt could be sold between €5 and €50. Probably even more. And how big of that shirt is the share of the band? So to what price correlates the 12.000 Spotify plays?
@aral Meta allowed Instagram users to use Threads as well. If a Gmail user starts to use Google drive, is that a new Google Drive user? So is Meta really attracting new users to Threads? I would think that mostly existing Meta users tried out Threads.
@humanetech@EU_Commission I have seen posts of these EU accounts before, where they had a twitter thread and a copy of just the first post in the Fediverse. Looked like just the first post was synced there.