@newsmast The #Newsmast app simplifies and sands down too much of #Mastodon to be my daily driver. Examples I’ve found so far: • moving inline hashtags such as those above to the end of the post • reducing accessibility by smashing CamelCase hashtags to lowercase • no way to limit posts to “unlisted,” “followers only,” or “mentioned only” (a/k/a “private” messages) • no draft posts • no apparent way to set content warnings or honor filters
I’m looking forward to following #Bluesky accounts here. It seems like the other side has lots of knobs for twiddling opaque algorithms and all my follows, but precious few for moderating what I see from the *individual* “knobs” I follow there.
@neffo@troed@dukope I also carry a torch for the #Amiga, having grown up in #Commodore's backyard in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and owned an #A500. But both the #Workbench 1.x and 2.x-onward default red mouse pointers were garish. probably deliberately so to contrast with the TV-friendly background colors.
@clacke@gwadej As a nerdy white boy in the Philadelphia suburbs, I connected more with #3rdBass than, say, #BeastieBoys’ “Licensed to Ill." The latter’s following sample-heavy “Paul's Boutique” was more my style, though. I'm also a fan of Bomb Squad era #PublicEnemy from the same period.
v1.0 then: “Perl is kind of designed to make #awk and #sed semi-obsolete […] The language is intended to be practical (easy to use, efficient, complete) rather than beautiful (tiny, elegant, minimal).” https://github.com/Perl/perl5/releases/tag/perl-1.0
find /Applications -type f -name '*Electron Framework*' -exec \ perl -Mversion=0.77 -nE \ '@safe = map version->parse($_), qw(22.3.24 24.8.3 25.8.1 26.2.1); next unless m{Chrome/[0-9.]+ Electron/([0-9.]+)}; $ver = version->parse($1); if ($ver < (grep int $_->numify >= int $ver->numify, @safe)[0]) { say "vulnerable Electron $ver found in $ARGV"; next }' {} \;
Just another desperate #Objectivist #Perl hacker. Lately into #cosplay and #dance, sometimes simultaneously.Sorry libertarians, you can’t have #AynRand:https://courses.AynRand.org/lexicon/libertariansOther interests: #music, #Commodore #RetroComputing, #DoctorWho, #dragNo reposts: https://JustMyToots.com/@mjgardner@social.sdf.orgBangers: https://www.TopMastodonPosts.com/by/@mjgardner@social.sdf.org#fedi22 #searchable