@FediTips I'm asking because the current state feels pretty wrong: public money is used to fund research, some researchers to all the hard work. Then once all the work is completely done the copyright of the publication is transferred to a publisher and people even pay for that (not the publisher pays, the research team!). Then people have to pay the publisher to access the outcome of the publicly funded research.
@aral@ShadowJonathan@SrEstegosaurio And EU want's to spend 40 billions for the chips act (likely all proprietary technology). 50K would disappear in the noise.
Wie @adfichter sehe ich oft wie Diskussionen rund um Überwachung abdriften zur Frage ob die Technologie denn gut genug dafür ist.
Das hilft den Überwachern. Denn es lenkt von der grundlegenden Frage ab: "Wollen wir überhaupt überwacht werden?"
Zumal kann Technik verbessert werden. Auch können Rohdaten oder Zwischenresultate langfristig gespeichert werden um eine nachträgliche Auswertung mit besseren Algorithmen zu erzielen.
@ArneBab@humanetech Exactly that: "Use a copyleft-licensed project with outside contributors if you want the project to stay free."
And as mentioned, the outside contributors must remain copyright holders of their contribution. So there should not be any transfer of the Copyright upon contribution.