@dansup @evanprodromou you still didn't take an official position for the @swf with regard to #Meta and https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/socialwebfoundation-what-do-people-think/4564/132?u=how
@dansup @evanprodromou you still didn't take an official position for the @swf with regard to #Meta and https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/socialwebfoundation-what-do-people-think/4564/132?u=how
@downey iVerify might be a useful tool, or it might not. It really depends on how it is made, what its premises are, and how useful it can be. What does "hate speech" mean for Detoxify? Can this definition move, and on what terms?
Maybe it's worth discussing with the people who used it: are the versions matching deployments in countries or is it something else?
Also, the illustration showing a line of Indian women showing their ID is pretty creepy, and I hope does not reflect the system.
@wargreen C'est un peu ce que je craignais. Le système Delphi DS150E a l'air top, mais c'est du propio pire et pire.
J'ai également trouvé des systèmes ELM327 qui fonctionnent en USB, Bluetooth ou WiFi, mais là c'est le matériel qui est difficile à choisir. Tous les prix existent mais la qualité des composants peut rendre l'outil inutilisable. Je veux bien mettre 20-40 € dans ce système et tester, mais j'ai peur de tomber sur un truc de mauvaise facture.
Sinon Android...
Utilisez-vous un système de #diagnostic #automobile #ODB2 avec du #LogicielLibre ? Je recherche des conseils pour obtenir un appareil de qualité, mais l'offre est tellement vaste que je m'y perds.
J'aimerais pouvoir identifier les pannes et corriger les problèmes électroniques, notamment j'ai des problèmes électriques « bizarres » et un voyant « service » qui ne se remet par à zéro par la méthode normale sur un #Renault #Trafic 2 phase 2 de 2007.
Merci de vos conseils !
If the #NSA would propose you to run memory-safe code on you computer using their proprietary #hypervisor, would you trust it?
Of course not. You've seen what they can do.
Keep working on #ReproducibleBuilds #AGPL #WASM that can be authenticated for integrity, or it shall, sooner or later, plant a #backdoor on everyone's device.
Do not get lured into contributing to that.
Reinforce AGPL free software for networked code.
Just sayin' because of current #FOSDEM approach to blindly follow money
Are you fucking kidding me?
Jack Dorsey is a main track speaker at FOSDEM this year:
I am at a loss of words. I also owe sincere apologies to everyone flagging issues with FOSDEM over the years, whose concerns I often somewhat minimized. I am sorry, you were all right and I was wrong.
FOSDEM is now explicitly platforming AI/blockchain bro fascists. 🤬
I read the @fosdem statement as clearly not welcoming Drew's plan:
"we will not take action, provided the protest is indeed peaceful and does not disrupt the proceedings."
Since the whole point of the sit-in *is* to disrupt the proceedings. Now, if Dorsey wants to take the stage while people are sitting there in protest...
How do you @fosdem organizers plan to not cancel that talk, and deal with people on the stage?
Why are these people (2D.H5, Peoples’ Platform, La Vía campesina, Les Soulèvements de la Terre, etc.) only promoting Fakebooz, Twatter, Instagrim and do not have presence on the Fediverse. What is is with these people that they insist on keeping using such nasty platform. Do not tell me they have any excuses. Not since 2013’s Snowden Apocalypse, not since Musk turned Twatter into a fascist machine, they have no excuse. None.
Would they feed McDo to attendees to their events? No, they wouldn’t. So why cannot they learn when it comes to digital technologies? There is a psychosocial component here that we must break once and for all. Have you seen OpenAI offering people money to send a high resolution picture of their iris to build WorldID that would ensure they’re not robots? WTF people? How do we get rid of this nonsense?
@glyph thread https://mastodon.social/@glyph/113845113924909900 in FOSDEM covers this difficulty in our communities as well.
The Rich are The new resource to Mine.
Don't mind the Rich, mine them!
#MineTheRich #TaxTheRich #OFFDEM #FOSDEM
Redistribute wealth, cap individual wealth to 1:10 around the world, tax shareholder returns at 90%, jail white collar criminal, forbid professional politics, decentralize recovered wealth to communes, and capitalism will naturally fall back to where it belongs: a historical economy anomaly.
Ha! @onepict
conformément au Code de l’environnement, l’avis de l’IRSN aurait dû être publié sur son site. [...] il n’y figure toujours pas : dans la liste des documents en ligne sur le site de l’institut, on trouve les avis 154, 155 puis 157, 158, 159, 160, etc. Il manque donc le numéro 156, qui porte précisément sur « l’évaluation des conséquences sur l’environnement et la population d’un transfert non autorisé d’effluents liquides du CEA Valduc vers la station d’épuration de Dijon-Longvic ».
Le #rayonnement de la #France : #atomique
#militaire #armement #nucléaire #fuite #CEA #21
Des boues radioactives au-delà des limites mais aucune communication publique ? #ÇaCestFait
The SocialHub has been positioning itself against Big Tech and against white supremacists since day one. Now we're having this policy issue. I'm calling on the #queer #fediverse, which IMO is an oxymoron, to take back the #SocialHub.
Hello @daringfireball, will you post a follow-up to https://daringfireball.net/linked/2023/06/19/not-that-kind-of-open or do you still think "Masto zealots" " convicting Facebook of a pre-crime" was the correct framing of your post?
Meta may NOT, in fact, have a little ActivityPub, as a treat
En 2019 lors des dernières #ÉlectionsProfessionnellesAgricoles, en Ariège #LaConfédérationPaysanne avait obtenu 38% des voix, mais seulement 3 sièges sur 33 et aucun rôle décisionnaire !
« À aucun moment du mandat nous n’avons pu participer à des projets de développement. On nous a fermé la porte. »
Un article signé @AmeliePoinssot pour @mediapart
Votez #LaConf contre la #FNSEA et son mode. Pour des campagnes vivantes, #SoyonsFermes !
This #Zuck shit... The guy looks like an old carpet, doesn't he? The utter stupidity of opposing #FreeSpeech and #FactChecking.
I can't help it but...
Maybe, before everything falls apart, and we only have lead water left to drink, and AI conspire to make us all get at each other's throat, simply because the trend reinforces itself into a self-fulfilling prophecy, people will start listening to our small singularities, and stop believing crap...
Nomadic raver, interstitial resistor, infinitesimal shifter, peripheral vision, etc. If you're still wondering, please get out of the way. We're here to fucking make'em fall down to their knees.Annoying troublemaker with fast autofocus and terapixel resolution.
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